Breaking through the silence of noise

Breakthroughs aren’t always a good thing.

Hexagram 43: Breakthrough of the I Ching is the image of a lake that has risen up to heaven, ready to break through in a cloudburst. To avoid this cloudburst, the hexagram warns us that it is best to distribute while accumulating, instead of piling up riches only for oneself.

Richard Rudd says that is the accumulation of noise that prevents insight, which is the positive form of breakthrough.

“We often think of deafness as silence, but it’s not. It’s noise and activity, ‘a life of sound and fury signifying nothing’ (Shakespeare’s Macbeth).

“Deafness is about trying to escape the silence. Insight is about listening to the inner ear, which gradually allows us to adjust to the silence by cutting out the noise wastage from our lives. Epiphany brings us back to the silence once again. Finally we’re ready to embrace it, and wow is it loud!”

The Mars-Uranus opposition I talked about in my last post continues into next week. It is all the more accentuated by Monday’s New Moon in Scorpio, which will interact with the Mars-Uranus opposition.

This volatile energy can indicate an unwelcome cloudburst is on the horizon, due to an accumulation of unshared wealth or talent, or an accumulation of repressed energy. So it’s time to pause and contemplate:

What have you been accumulating that you can start sharing with others?

Where is the “sound and fury” in your life that is preventing the silence that can lead to epiphany?

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The 64 Ways by Richard Rudd

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Breaking through the numbness

As we rapidly approach Sagittarius, the season with the least amount of light symbolically (and literally, here in the northern hemisphere) we have Hexagram 1: The Creative as our host for the next week.

This hexagram is a doubling of the Heaven trigram. Per Wilhelm’s translation, this creates the idea of duration and endurance: “[The sage] must make himself strong in every way, by consciously casting out all that is inferior and degrading. Thus he attains that tirelessness which depends upon consciously limiting the fields of his activity.”

This is in keeping with the fixed waters of Scorpio we are currently swimming in. Casting out all that is inferior and degrading, and limiting the field of activity, also reminds me of the introverted feeling function, which Michael Pierce associates with the heaven trigram, which also has Scorpio undertones:

“Fi is the made-up mind…Opinions are usually in conflict, so there is no room left for receptivity or compromise. Fi poses ideals and goals…drawing one on to greater heights (and depths). It is the expression of Man’s active hoping.

Richard Rudd says about this hexagram that “Joy comes from numbness. The numbness is the kindling, our awareness is the breath fanning the first sparks and then the joy emerges as the fire catches.”

We all experience patches of numbness in our lives and “here we are just trusting the numbness, just being with it.” Rudd also says the foundation of creativity is “to be unafraid of making mistakes.”

The biggest astrological configuration beginning this week is Mars in Scorpio’s opposition to Uranus in Taurus. This is powerful and potent. Although it can be uncomfortable – at the collective level there could be sudden outbursts of violence and/or struggles for independence – it should be perfect on a personal level for breaking through any numbness. Making mistakes will be more likely.

Perhaps you can also work with the introverted feeling function in your personality type while doing this work.

If you have natal placements in Scorpio and/or Taurus – especially any of the big 3 – this should be especially impactful.

Where are you currently numb? Do you trust it? What kind of creative fire is going to emerge from that kindling?

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The 64 Ways by Richard Rudd
I Ching or Book of Changes
 translated by Richard Wilhelm Motes and Beams by Michael Pierce

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Coming to meet with tricks or treats

There’s something appropriate about Hexagram 44: Coming to Meet beginning on the day of Halloween.

“Coming to meet” is about meeting a situation or person halfway, but not to the point of compromising our higher ideals or inner dignity.

Wilhelm’s commentary notes that the “inferior man rises only because the superior man does not regard him as dangerous and so lends him power.” We need to be aware of flattery and seduction, as they may be attempts at seizing power.

Taking care to see beneath the superficial, and not fully trusting, is in keeping with the nature of Scorpio, the season in which Halloween falls.

Halloween, even amidst the fun, has long come with an element of suspicion. Back when I was a kid there was worry of razor blades and other nefarious things being put into the candy. There was paranoia regarding the possibility of receiving “tricks.” Today parents are more selective about which homes they let their children go to for trick-or- treating.

Regarding power and suspicion, I’m currently rereading The 48 Laws of Power of Robert Greene as a way of better understanding the power aspect of the Pluto archetype. There are also Scorpio themes throughout, including this one that pertains to today’s topic: “People are of infinite complexity and you can spend a lifetime watching them without ever fully understanding them. So it is all the more important, then, to begin your education now. In doing so you must also keep one principle in mind: Never discriminate as to whom you study and whom you trust. Never trust anyone completely and study everyone, including friends and loved ones.”

That reminds me of my favorite Robert Greene quote, which I appreciate as an enthusiast of personality typology and astrology: “Make understanding people a fun game, the solving of puzzles. It is all part of the human comedy. Yes, people are irrational, but so are you. Make your acceptance of human nature as radical as possible. This will calm you down and help you observe people more dispassionately, understanding them on a deeper level. You will stop projecting your own emotions on to them. All of this will give you more balance and calmness, more mental space for thinking.”

We’ll still have three planets in Scorpio in this next week: the Sun, Mercury, and Mars. Eclipse season is over until April. Whew. Saturn will end its retrograde and turn direct. Conditions are right for dispassionate observations, solving people puzzzles, and understanding others – and yourself – on a deeper level.

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The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
I Ching or Book of Changes
 translated by Richard Wilhelm

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It furthers one to have somewhere to go

“Preponderance of the Great” (Hexagram 28 of the I Ching) is an elegant way of saying the stress is at a breaking point.

The current support systems are inadequate.

Or, to use the nature imagery of this hexagram, the lake is flooding the trees.

We can all think of times when we were flooded with demands and expectations.

Maybe you are in such a period right now.

It’s easy to get lost in all that.

Hilary Barrett’s translation says: “It is fruitful to have a direction to go, to reach out imaginatively and explore. Since things cannot hold up as they are, there must be movement.”

Or, as the Richard Wilhelm translation says, “It furthers one to have somewhere to go.”

This isn’t escapism or shirking responsibility.

Barret again: “So a noble one is not afraid to stand alone, nor is she depressed at leaving society behind. She is moved by an inner purpose, and not a product of her environment.”

During this next stretch of Scorpio it might be helpful to ponder:
Where are you overloaded?
What have you outgrown?
Do you have a direction to go?

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I Ching: Walking Your Path, Creating Your Future by Hilary Barrett

I Ching or Book of Changes translated by Richard Wilhelm

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Within the magical cauldron of Scorpio

The image of a cauldron – Hexagram 50 – seems an appropriate one for kicking off Scorpio season.

Only two of the 64 hexagrams represent a manmade object and The Cauldron is one of them (The Well is the other).

We are still in the midst of the 14 day eclipse season, which can be a liminal and erratic time. The Caulrdon signifies a new beginning per Hilary Barrett’s translation: “The Vessel provides stable, robust foundations for a new life, and also the crucible where you can expect to be transformed and remade…Inside a well-made Vessel, your sense of who you are and what you are here to do crystallizes and becomes clearly defined.”

Some stability seems welcome right about now and the fixed water sign of Scorpio is our vessel.

The Sun, Mercury, and Mars are all in Scorpio for the next 3-4 weeks. Saturn in Pisces is forming a trine to the Sun in Scorpio, further solidifying our Vessel.

Intensity. Penetrating. Cautious. These are a few of the keywords I associate with Scorpio.

Joy Usher describes Scorpio as follow: “Scorpio prefers to maintain a calm and collected demeanour, prides itself on being competent and good under pressure, and prefers to hide its emotions so that it draws the least amount of attention.”

And: “Scorpio lies in dark pools of water quietly hidden away in marshes and swamps where shadows play on the surface and the land has become saturated and can no longer absorbe any more liquid.”

Coincidentally, Usher even mentions the cauldron as a symbol when discussing the feminine/yin water signs, including Scorpio: “Within the magical container dormant energy lies invisible to the naked eye and the inert vessel is merely waiting for the right circumstances to release its power.”

In mythology cauldrons represent “the life-force of the community. When the tribe meets to communicate any mportant news, it gathers at the cauldron.”

What house is Scorpio in in your natal chart? Do you have any natal planets there or is it your rising sign? Settle in and ruminate on the following questions:

Describe or draw your vessel for transformation, What are the right circumstances that will release its power?
What are you beginning in this area of your life?
What will you cook?

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I Ching: Walking Your Path, Creating Your Future by Hilary Barrett

A Tiny Universe: Astrology and the Thema Mundi Chart by Joy Usher

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The self-renewing movement of the eclipse in Libra

It’s fitting that today there is a solar eclipse in Libra, because today is also the day Hexagram 32 – Duration of the I Ching takes over as our hexagram host for the next week.

Hexagram 32 pairs wind with thunder. They form the image of Duration.

Wind (the Gentle) is like the air sign of Libra and its planetary host Venus. Thunder is like the fire sign of Aries, which is opposite of Libra on this eclipse axis.

In nature these opposites of wind and thunder often occur together. They might seem the opposite of Duration, but thunder and wind are part of a larger cycle. As Hilary Barrett says in her translation, “The noble one’s inner nature, subtle as the wind, translates into action as decisive as thunder. So however the environment changes, everything he does will always travel in the same direction.”

In astrological terms, Aries brings the decisiveness that Libra needs; Libra brings the gentle wind that Aries needs.

The eclipse, too, is part of a larger cycle. Even though something new begins, if you look back at what was going on in this same area of life during Libra/Aries eclipses in 2014-15 and 2005-2006, there will be common themes and a new chapter in the cycle.

Today’s eclipse for me couldn’t possibly be more literal. It is occuring near my midheaven degree in Libra, which is my 11th house of groups and allies. Today is my first weekend session at the Jung Institute of Chicago. I’m beginning the Jungian Studies Program there for non-clinicians. It meets monthly over the course of two academic years. During the Aries/Libra eclipses in 2014-2015 my father passed away, which motivated me to finally begin Jungian analysis.

What does all of this have to do with Duration? According to Richard Wilhelm in his translation: “Duration is a state whose movement is not worn down by hindrances. It is not a state of rest, for mere standstill is regression. Duration is rather the self-contained and therefore self-renewing movement of an organized, firmly integrated whole, taking place in accordance with immutable laws and beginning anew at every ending.”

Of course this made me think of the eclipse too:”Heavenly bodies exemplify duration. They move in their fixed orbits and because of this their light-giving power endures. The seasons of the year follow a fixed law of change and transformation, hence can produce effects that endure.”

As this eclipse unfolds in the Libra (Gentle/Wind) area of your life in the coming months, takes some time to reflect on 2014-15, 2005-06 and even 1986-87 if you are old enough. The eclipse in the Aries (Thunder) part of this axis is in April 2024. In light of this dynamic, here are some questions to ponder, compliments of Hilary Barret:

What inspiration are you making real in your daily life?

How can you continue on the same path, even as you adapt?

Who will you become by persevering in this?

Continue ReadingThe self-renewing movement of the eclipse in Libra

Double the gentle

For the next week of Libra season we get double the gentle.

Hexagram 57 – The Gentle (Subtly penetrating) of the I Ching is our hexagram host. It is one of the 8 hexagrams that has doubled trigrams.

This hexagram has gentleness as its attribute, which penetrates like the roots of a tree or the wind.

Hilary Barrett says in her translation: “Whatever penetrates subtly becomes influential – not by acting on situations or people to change their nature, but by becoming part of their nature and acting in them.”

This brings to mind one of my favorite Marie-Louise von Franz quotes: “But if a single individual devotes himself to individuation, he frequently has a positive contagious effect on the people around him. It is as if a spark leaps from one to another. And this usually occurs when one has no intention of influencing others and often when one uses no words.”

Richard Wilhem says that the “penetrating quality of the wind depends upon its ceaselessness. This is what makes it so powerful; time is its instrument. In the same way the ruler’s thought should penetrate the soul of the people….Only when the command has been assimilated by the people is action in accordance with it possible. Action without preparation of the ground only frightens and repels.”

I’m sure we can all think of times when someone – or maybe we ourselves! – forced a change too abruptly and it caused chaos. There are certainly countless examples of it in the news stories on any given day.

One would be hard pressed to find a leadership book about this. “7 Steps to Leading Like the Wind” probably wouldn’t be a bestseller! For the wind isn’t visible; its effects can only be felt gradually and subtly. You can’t make an action plan for acting in situations instead of on them.

Each of us has our own journey and individuation process; the effect it has on others can’t be mapped out.

Libra season is a perfect time to contemplate The Gentle, as its qualities are in keeping with Libra and its host planet Venus. During this next week perhaps you’ll become a bit more aware of the sparks that leap from you to others, and vice versa that often go unnoticed.


I Ching or Book of Changes translated by Richard Wilhelm

I Ching: Walking Your Path, Creating Your Future by Hilary Barrett

Man and His Symbols by C.G. Jung

Continue ReadingDouble the gentle

The depths of intuition, Scorpio, the I Ching … and You

When I ponder the meaning of “depth,” there are several archetypes and personality typology functions that immediately come to mind.

There’s Scorpio, the fixed water sign that is the domicile of the yin version of Mars. Especially if Mars, Mercury, or the Moon are placed here.

Mercury-Pluto, per Richard Tarnas, has “a tendency to think with acute, penetrating intensity that in exceptional cases reflected the possession of a powerful, driven intellect; an unusual capactiy for…shrewed analysis of underlying or hidden motivations.”

The I Ching itself is about depth. Johnson F. Yan says, “The I Ching penetrates to the soul and then demands soul-searching.”

Introverted intuition likes to go deep into whatever it is interested in. John Beebe says, “When introverted intuition is operating well, an image of the deeper reality compellingly presents itself.”

Introverted sensation also can provide deep insight and can, per Beebe, “single out from all the possible meanings that one meaning which tells us what is the specific psychic activity behind the dream and how it can be brought into the foreground of consciousness.”

Then there’s depth psychology, that inexhaustible source of wisdom for many of us. Psychology is the study of the soul and the soul refers to the deep. Depth psychology approaches the whole person and connects us to our own depths by engaging the unconscious.

By the way, we’re considering depth today because of Hexagram 48 – The Well of the I Ching*: “The well from which water is drawn conveys the further idea of an inexhaustible dispensing of nourishment.”

The flip side of depth is superficiality. Have you ever noticed that the people most interested in depth are sometimes the most fearful that they are too superficial?

Encounters with depth are also defeats for the ego. Jung wrote in his autobiography about how when he regularly attended to his depths, he repeatedly was brought up short: “Aha, here is another thing I did not know about myself.”

Mercury enters Libra tomorrow, October 5. It doesn’t probe the depths the way Scorpio does, but it gently prepares the way for that.

Diplomatic, other-centered Libra, a yang air sign that is the domicile of Venus, can help remind us that, as James Hollis says, “each of us is, after all, a character of great depth.”

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I Ching or Book of Changes translated by Richard Wilhelm

DNA and the I Ching: The Tao of Life by Johnson F. Yan

Memories, Dreams, and Reflections by C.G. Jung

What Matters Most by James Hollis

Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas

*The 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, an ancient Chinese text, are arranged along the ecliptic (the celestial equator) in Human Design. In astrology there are 12 zodiac signs along the ecliptic, so there are 5.3 hexagrams per zodiac sign. I’m contemplating these hexagrams as a way to engage with astrology, the I Ching, and Jungian psychology.

Continue ReadingThe depths of intuition, Scorpio, the I Ching … and You

Aries Full Moon breaking through gentle indifference

Year ago, before I finally accepted the fact that I am not a gardener, I tried growing tomatoes. Year after year most of them would never ripen and would end up just soiling on the vines.

I never figured out the root cause. One theory is the walnut tree inhibited the tomato plants, but who knows.

Hexagram 18: Work on What Has Been Spoiled from the I Ching is our hexagram host for this next stretch of Libra season.

Richard Wilhelm’s translation of Hexagram 18 says that “gentle indifference” (I love that phrase) and “rigid inertia” have caused stagnation. Both of those set in each time I gazed upon yet another failed tomato harvest and gave up.

This hexagram makes it seem like there has been some slacking off since the end of Virgo season, which is associated with the harvest.

The remedy: “Decisiveness and energy must take the place of the inertia and indifference that have led to decay, in order that the ending may be followed by a new beginning.” Today’s energetic Aries full harvest Moon arrived just in time!

Mercury is still there in Virgo until October 6, to help us dig into the root cause of any decay going unaddressed around us: “We must first know the causes of corruption before we can do away with them; hence it is necessary to be cautious during the time before the start…Success depends on proper deliberation.”

Enjoy the Aries full Moon this weekend and take a look at her if you can. Maybe she will inspire you to break through gentle indifference.

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I Ching or Book of Changes translated by Richard Wilhelm

*The 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, an ancient Chinese text, are arranged along the ecliptic (the celestial equator) in Human Design. In astrology there are 12 zodiac signs along the ecliptic, so there are 5.3 hexagrams per zodiac sign. I’m contemplating these hexagrams as a way to engage with astrology, the I Ching, and Jungian psychology.

Continue ReadingAries Full Moon breaking through gentle indifference

Pushing upward from the fall equinox

Today is the fall equinox, which is one of two days each year where the amount of light and darkness are in equal balance.

Hexagram 46 – Pushing Upward of the I Ching is our hexagram for the fall equinox and the first week of Libra season.

It seems a little oxymoronic to consider pushing upward during a time of the year where the amount of darkness is increasing here in the novrthern hemisphere. After all, during the chillier mornings, pushing the covers upward can seem like an accomplishment!

I attended an equinox fire circle tonight. We were given two sticks of wood – one was to set an intention for the next six months.

The other was for our own private prayer for Mother Earth.

Of course I couldn’t help but think of how hexagram 46 is comprised of both the wood trigram and the earth trigram.

I like how Alkoanand Diaz describes “pushing upward”: “Pushing upward doesn’t sound like there is a lot of effort involved, it’s not like pushing forward. Pushing upward is basically an aspiration, a yearning to realize the oneness of all things. It’s an elevation in consciousness because it’s the only way you can push up the consciousness – looking for meaning, for sense.”

It sounds like the right intention for this yin time of year;. There will be time enough to push forward in six months during Aries season.

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The 64 Gates Through the Rave Mandela by Alokanand Diaz

*The 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, an ancient Chinese text, are arranged along the ecliptic (the celestial equator) in Human Design. In astrology there are 12 zodiac signs along the ecliptic, so there are 5.3 hexagrams per zodiac sign. I’m contemplating these hexagrams as a way to engage with astrology, the I Ching, and Jungian psychology.

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