Indulge totally in the present

I used the yarrow stalk method for the first time while casting an I Ching hexagram this morning for a personal question.

Previously I’ve always used coins, but I purchased some yarrow stalks this week at the Jung Institute of Chicago during the weekend session about the I Ching.

I got Hexagram 5: Waiting (Nourishment), which coincidentally is also the hexagram for this next week of Sagittarius.

Sagittarius isn’t necessarily known as being into waiting. With Mars currently visiting Sagittarius, this is all the more true. But there are some Sagittarius type keywords in R.L. Wing’s commentary:

It is now that you must make a show of confidence. Do not express your doubts about the past or future. Indulge totally in the present. Keep your thoughts and words on a positive note and maintain an assured and cheerful attitude. In this way you will win the confidence of others and fortify your own certainity.

Wilhelm’s commentary also has a Sagittarian upbeat attitude about waiting:

We should quietly fortify the body with food and drink and the mind with gladness and good cheer. Fate comes when it will, and thus we are ready.

We can indulge in waiting AND food and drink. Works for me!

Finally, we have Barrett’s take:

When you are fully present in waiting, your intense attention shines out like a beacon, beginning a creative engagement with the world – not by working on anything, but by waiting on it and holding your faith.

I think I can handle this waiting after all and plan to keep this hexagram top of mind for the remainder of the month.

How are you going to foritfy your mind with gladness and good cheer in the days ahead?


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