The wind of inner truth

A hexagram that begins with the words, “The wind blows over the surface of the lake” isn’t particularly appealing this time of the year in Wisconsin. Brrrr!

Actually, the lakes aren’t frozen over yet, due to milder temps. But we received our first major snowfall a few days ago with another one to follow tomorrow. Then after that there will be a week of deep freeze.

What better time to ponder Hexagram 61: Inner Strength of the I Ching, which is our hexagram for this next week of Capricorn.

This emphasizes the inner alignment of thoughts and deeds and staying true to yourself.

Today is also the New Moon in Capricorn. Hexagram 61 encourages inner sincerity, but Capricorn’s influence is more eternal and focused on the structured pursuit of goals, which is a bit of a conflict.

And speaking of the Moon and inner alignment, I’m currently reading The Pregnant Virgin by Marion Woodman. Today I read a passage that beautifully describes the Moon and what it is like to obey one’s own inner laws :

“The ever-changing moon is the image of transformation of those parts of ourselves which usually live in the dark. Protected from the enlightened mind, the very essence of life is gently distilled from concrete experience. The distillation takes place through reflection—through the silver mirror. Through contemplation, ego desires can be transformed into love—love that honors its own individual essence and the essence of another.”

The hexagram image is of the wind over the lake. Wind has influence everywhere and always brings new messages of change. Likewise, the surface of the lake is constantly in motion. The feminine earth sign of Capricorn can help us feel stable and dependable as we embrace new perspectives.

Here are some questions to ponder in light of this hexagram:

Are your current goals and ambitions aligned with your inner truth? Or are they influenced by external expectations?

Reflect on a recent situation where you felt the need to be authentic and true to yourself. How did your sincerity impact the outcome, and what did you learn from that experience?


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I Ching or Book of Changes translated by Richard Wilhelm

The Pregnant Virgin: A Process of Psychological Transformation by Marion Woodman