Navigating transformation by embracing limitation

Today is a very important day. And not just because the Packers face the 49ers in a big NFL playoff game (Go Pack Go)!

Pluto enters Aquarius today, as does the Sun, which kicks off Aquarius season in dramatic fashion. Pluto was in Capricorn since 2008 and will be in Aquarius for the next 20 years.

(Pluto will briefly dip back into Capricorn again this fall before finally leaving Capricorn for good until the year 2254. The years 1777-1798 was the last time Pluto was in Aquarius.)

Hexagram 60: Limitation from the I Ching is our host for this next week. Given some of the angst out there about Pluto changing signs, limitation is likely top of mind for many of us. This last week of frigid temperatures here in Wisconsin and the rest of the upper midwest is also making many of us feel the limitations of this season.

The image of the hexagram is water over lake. Water is inexhaustible, but a lake can only contain a limited amount of water.

As Richard Wilhelm’s translation states, so, too, in human life do we achieve “significance through discrimination and the setting of limits … Unlimited possibilities are not suited to man; if they existed, his life would only dissolve in the boundless. …The individual attains significance as a free spirit only by surrounding himself with these limitations and by determining for himself what his duty is.”

The Pluto archetype itself isn’t about limitation; it prefers to focus on the “free spirit.” Death, rebirth, transformation, empowerment, extremes, compulsivity are a few of the keywords about Pluto.

That’s why I like the image of Hexagram 60 for this beginning of Aquarius season. Pluto is like uncontained water that could easily flood and overwhelm us; hence the need to create a lake to contain it.

If you have natal planets in the very early degrees of Aquarius, or the other fixed signs of Leo, Scorpio, and Taurus, this Pluto energy will be noticeable in the coming days and weeks.

If you start to feel some of the anxiety that can happen when pondering a major astrological shift, channel that energy instead into considering that area of life indicated in your natal chart that will be undergoing transformation or regeneration.

How can you embrace these changes with patience and a strategic mindset, to help you both harness, and align yourself with, the transformative nature of Pluto?

What opportunities might arise from acknowledging and working within your current boundaries as inspired by the insights of hexagram 60?



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I Ching or Book of Changes translated by Richard Wilhelm