The “eternal child” function of your personality type

John Beebe assigns the eternal child (puer) to the third function of the personality type for good reason – it is a function that remains weak and childish throughout life.

Here is what Marie-Louise von Franz (Jung’s close associate) says about this function:

The next step in the process of psychic development is to assimilate the two auxiliary functions. One must not forget that the assimilation of these functions is such a difficult task that people generally spend a very long time at it. Sometimes people actually become a certain type, which was not their original type, for eight or ten years.

Lectures on Jung’s Typology, location 1101

The eternal child archetype is the eternal youth in all of us, “the brilliant but volatile side of ourselves that is by turns the seemingly immortal Prince or Princess and the helplessly vulnerable wounded boy or girl.” James Hillman believes that the eternal child has a special relationships to the transcendent spiritual powers of the unconscious.

The puer aetrnus comes from the child god Iacchus in the Elusinian mysteries “who was identified with the new birth these rites promised individuals who partook of them”. In a clinical setting Beebe says the eternal child is someone who displays a “false individualism.” He quotes Marie-Louise von Franz: an “arrogant attitude towards other people due to both an inferiority complex and false feelings of superiority. Such people also usually have great difficulty in finding the right kind of job, for whatever they find is never quite right or quite what they wanted.”

The parent and child functions are complements both within the psyche and between people. These two functions are the ones we lean on in our interactions with others. Our child function will be attracted to the parent form of that same function in others. For example, an INFJ has introverted thinking as the child function and will be attracted to the parent form of it in the ENTP and ESTP. The ESTJ has extroverted intuition as the child function and will be attracted to the parent form of it in the INTP and INFP. And so on.

Paralysis can overtake the eternal child function because it is hard to sustain the activity of this function. Beebe describes its up and down quality as “inflation/deflation cycle” and as a “third function crisis.” The shadow form of this function is the trickster function and it is this function that makes it hard to use our eternal child function. This will be the topic of my next post on the functions.


Energies and Patterns of Psychological Type by John Beebe

Lectures on Jung’s Typology by Marie-Louise von Franz and James Hillman

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The critical parent (senex) of your personality type

The parent function is the auxiliary (second) function in your personality type. It is the function we use when “parenting” and encouraging others. It has a shadow side: the critical parent.

The archetype John Beebe uses for this function is senex, which is a Latin word that means “old man” and is the root of our word “senator.” He describe it as “the critical, saturnine, old man who, metaphorically speaking, paces up and down inside each of us, waiting for the chance to put troublesome people in their place.” Senex “takes on the quality of everything that has stood the test of time and now resists change.” It also correlates to the Roman god Saturn. The senex in us “stultifies, discourages, and disables” others.

Neuroscientist Dario Nardi, author of many books about personality typology, such as The Magic Diamond, says we reject the senex function in our younger years and may come to embrace it when we are older. Some examples:

ESTJ and ESFJ might reject senex extroverted sensation (Se) by insisting their kids sit still. When they learn to embrace senex Se they become more comfortable with gut reactions and physical expressions.

ISTP and ISFP might reject senex introverted sensation (Si) by avoiding settling down or having disdain for security. Embracing senex Si could include developing a daily routine or starting a business.

ENFJ and ENTJ might reject senex extroverted intuition (Ne) by finding brainstorming to be unproductive and have a dislike of the random use of imagination. Embracing senex Ne could include using humor to approach a problem and scheduling time to think of new ideas.

INFP and INTP might reject senex introverted intuition (Ni) by lacking a position vision of the future and may dislike a focus on the mystical. By embracing senex Ni they may develop an excitement for getting others onboard with a vision or might have a mystical experience they don’t dismiss.

ESTP and ENTP might reject senex extroverted thinking (Te) by rebelling against time-constraints and limits on their ideas. When embracing senex Te they might use To-Do lists and other life-structuring devices.

ISFJ and INFJ might reject senex introverted feeling (Fi) when losing track of their own values and when they seem to lack strong convictions. They embrace senex Fi when developing a set of convictions that allow them to grow as people.

ESFP and ENFP reject senex extroverted feeling (Fe) when being non-committal in relationships or may seek personal information from others without sharing of themselves in return. They embrace senex Fe when they give, share, and support.

ISTJ and INTJ reject senex introverted thinking (Ti) by disliking theory for its own sake and endless clarification and rewording. They embrace senex Ti by thinking in more consistent ways and relying on theories that have been thoroughly developed.

It can be discouraging to persevere when dealing with the senex. We’ve all had experiences dealing with critical external authority figures. It’s the same when dealing with our inner senex. But over time you’ll understand the senex and discover wisdom.

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Dreams and Your Personality Type

It can’t be emphasized enough that Jung believed his psychological types should not be used to classify people. Instead the types were to be used for “sorting out the empirical material” that comes up during psychoanalysis. This helps a patient see where a complex lives in his psyche.

Both John Beebe, in Energies and Patterns of Psychological Type, and Marie-Louise von Franz, in Lectures on Psychological Type, write about the importance of dreams when working with type.

Von Franz said that in dreams the inferior function represents itself as a figure of the opposite sex or sometimes as an animal or stone age figure. Beebe says that in dreams “the auxiliary function is carried by a stable parental figure (usually a father in a man and a mother in a woman) and the tertiary function by an unstable child figure who is given to cycles of inflation and deflation.”

Beebe, who has an ENTP personality type, said that he had a dream of a Chinese laundress, who represented his inferior (anima) introverted sensation, and her neglectful gambling husband, who represented his dominant (hero) extroverted intuition. This dream was pivotal for him in determining that his type is ENTP.

Piecing together your type with dreams:

Beebe’s describes a dream he had that validated his auxiliary (parent) and tertiary (child) function. The dream was of a father chasing his 20something son around a dining room table waving a butcher knife. The butcher knife represented the introverted thinking function and the son the extroverted feeling function. “Chastened by the dream, I gradually became less aggressive about applying overriding thinking formulations to the understanding and dismissal of my feeling when it was upset.” He also says his relation to feeling-type patients and friends also got kinder.

Here are client dreams that Von Franz described in Lectures on Psychological Type:

A man with inferior feeling had several dreams of collecting rare mountain flowers. Afterwards the man ended up getting stuck in a concrete interpretation of the dream. He made friends with a botanist and spent his holidays collecting mountain flowers. “The superior function, like an eagle seizing a mouse, tries to get hold of the inferior function and bring it over to its own realm.”

An extroverted sensation type neglected his inferior introverted intuition to the extent that he had a recurring dream of poor people and laborers who broke into his house at night. He was a politician and was terrified by the dream, so he started telling friends that the communists would win out. This was a wrong kind of introverted intuition based on projection.

A woman with dominant (hero) extroverted feeling had a dream about establishing a bird observation station. Von Franz advised her that she should try to be aware of her autonomous thoughts, because in a feeling type, inferior introverted thinking thoughts operate like birds, landing and flying off again. She did this by carrying a notebook with her and jotted down sudden thoughts. The first thought she jotted down was so jarring she didn’t write down any others at first: “If my son-in-law died my daughter would come back home.” But by capturing thoughts like that they are deprived of any destructive effect.

An extroverted intuitive type had a recurring dream of a dirty, bad-tempered tramp, representing the man’s neglected inferior introverted sensation. Von Franz told him to talk to the tramp in active imagination. The tramp said he was responsible for the physical symptoms that had brought the man to analysis because the tramp did not get enough attention. The tramp told him to dress in tramp clothes and go for a walk in the country with him once a week and pay attention to what he had to say. Von Franz told him to follow the tramp’s advice. It ended up putting him in touch with nature, flowers, the sunrise. His symptoms disappeared and he eventually bought a farm. This dream shows how the inferior function is the door to experience the deeper layers of the unconscious.

My personality type is INFJ and recently I had a dream about Donald Trump, who is widely considered to have an ESTP personality type. It was apparent to me he represented my inferior extroverted sensation. He was in my living room even though there was a gathering for him in my backyard. I attempted several times to take a selfie with him so I could show my grandchildren someday that I met the president, but the selfies didn’t work. This points to difficulties in accessing my inferior extroverted sensation.

If you are unsure what your personality type is, start by trying to determine your inferior function. This isn’t too hard to identity as it presents as “life’s great problem,” according to von Franz. Your dream figures will show you what your inferior function is and how to better access it.

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The “opposing personality” within your personality type

The “opposing personality” is an archetype created by Jungian psychologist John Beebe, M.D.

This function is opposite the Hero (superior) function in your personality type. Beebe describes it in the language of character pathology as “oppositional, paranoid, passive-aggressive, and avoidant.” It is the cluster of defenses we use to oppose others rather than work with them. He says it is hard to see in yourself and falls within the blind spot of the superior function.

The opposing personality is a primary resource of defense, a part of us that tends to lurch forward first when we feel our heroic superior function and its most cherished values to be under attack.

John Beebe, Energies and Patterns of Psychological Type, p. 132

In situations where we are forced to use our opposing function, the negative traits of that function will be on display. For example, an INFJ who is forced to brainstorm on the spot, which requires using extraverted intuition, may do so in cranky and oppositional way. Beebe describes that, as an ENTP, he has to use introverted intuition to describe archetypes, and pointed out how in his book he often ended up using negative, oppositional examples.

The opposing personality shows up as one of two places in the psyche as the opposite sex figure. Beebe says that a man in the grip of his opposing personality “may make ‘bitchy’ remarks or unleash a seductive charm whose purpose is to exercise control over others.” A woman might exhibit it as being overly competitive, angry, or spiteful.

The opposing personality is one of four functions that make up your shadow side. The shadow side is the part of us we repress because it is incompatible with our values. The shadow functions allow us to name these aspects of ourselves and make them more conscious The other three shadow functions are trickster, senex, and demon. I’ll write about senex next, so stay tuned.

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The messages from the “feeling function”

The feeling function is the function in the personality that sorts out our feelings. But where do these feelings come from?

As Jungian analyst James Hollis says in his book Living Between Worlds, we do not create feelings. He says the feeling function provides “spontaneous, autonomous, qualitative, evaluative analyses as to how the psyche is registering the moment.”

Other people, outer circumstances, and our complexes can push us in directions that may be the “right things” as defined by others, but are dead places for our soul. This causes depletion of our most precious resource: our soul’s energy. Boredom, insomnia, depression or other symptoms may arise.

The solution isn’t to suppress our feelings or take palliative measures. Instead Hollis encourages us to ask ourselves: Why have they come? What is their critique? What do they want from us?

Your feeling function is autonomous and continually weighs in with its opinion. The important thing is to be attuned to your feelings regardless of what kind of feeling function you have in your personality type.

Click here to see the book summary I wrote on Instagram about Living Between Worlds.

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The Hero Function of Your Personality Type

The hero is he who is immovably centered – Ralph Waldo Emerson

All of us know what a hero is and, without much effort, can think of individuals we consider heroes and are able to identify hero figures in literature and movies. But we can also look inward to find a hero, because we have a hero within us in the form of the lead/dominant function of our personality.

Jungian analyst John Beebe expanded the four function model of Myers-Briggs to an eight function model of the personality and assigned archetypes to each one. We are the most conscious of our dominant function. In depth psychology the hero archetype represents the ego, so Beebe gave this function the name of the hero archetype. As Jung said, “Consciousness needs a centre, an ego to which something is conscious.” (Psychological Types, paragraph 506).

The hero function, combined with the inferior anima/animus function, forms the “spine” of the personality. This spine, per Beebe, is “the axis of our relation to self.” He says that this spine is a “plumb line of personhood that develops between superior function hero and inferior function anima ]…]When this happens, a personality can bloom, and the personal self will acquire more affective coloration, cohesion, and temporal stability than before.”

Below I’ll list brief descriptions of how each of the eight cognitive functions displays itself in the hero archetype. I included links to my full posts on each function:

Hero Te (Extroverted Thinking) – The environment of things must be efficiently organized and mechanically correct.

Hero Ti (Introverted Thinking) – Intellectual clarity. Life must make technical sense to the individual’s understanding.

Hero Fe (Extroverted Feeling) – The environment of people must be socially friendly.

Hero Fi (Introverted Feeling) – Life must be humanely congruent to the individual’s values.

Hero Ne (Extroverted Intuition) – The environment of patterns must be scanned for alternative hypothetical possibilities. Makes remarkable inferences.

Hero Ni (Introverted Intuition) – Life must be “filled in” by the individual’s subconscious impressions.

Hero Se – The physical environment must be scanned for opportunities for action in the present and tangible experiences.

Hero Si – Recognition of the natural order of things. Life must be familiar to the individual’s storehouse of practical data.

The hero function is the only one of the eight functions that is measured by how strong it is. This will be important to keep in mind while studying the archetypes of the other 7 functions:

As we move beyond the heroic first function, however, we should recognize that not all of the eight functions follow hero psychology in being measurable by their degree of strength.

They do not, in actual experience, follow a descending hierarchy of differentiation from first (superior) through fourth (inferior) to eighth. Rather, the strength, and the kind of strength, a function of consciousness displays is a consequence of the archetypal role associated with it, and archetypes are differently developed in different people. The numbering of the positions is a bit of an anachronism, left over from the early days of Jungian psychology and of Isabel Briggs Myers’s adaptation of that psychology to the analysis of the MBTI findings. When I use numbering today, in these post-heroic times, the numbers are meant to be read as qualitative rather than quantitative, much the way the numbers of streets can be read in a well-differentiated city that one is intimately acquainted with. Thus the ‘second’ and ‘third’ functions are identified, like avenues in New York City, by the qualities experience has taught us to recognize when

p. 135

The opposite of the hero function is the “opposing personality” function, which is the shadow form of the hero function. Studying the opposite, and learning how to integrate it, will enhance your understanding and use of the hero function. My next post will be about the opposing personality function. Stay tuned!


Source of the Beebe quotes in this post: Energies and Patterns in Psychological Type

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On Extroverted Feeling and Martin Luther King, Jr.

If you want to see what it looks and feels like at a visceral level when extroverted feeling makes an entrance, the last five minutes of Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech is a dramatic example.

According to depth psychologist Jennifer Leigh Selig, who has formally studied Martin Luther King for 18 years, during the first 12 minutes of the speech he stays on script. He had used versions of the I Have a Dream speech in the past, but decided to instead use the speech with the cancelled check metaphor.

After he completes that speech, his close friend Mahalia Jackson leans over and says, “Tell them about the dream, Martin. Tell them about the dream.” He moves the papers aside on his podium and speaks extemporaneously for the final five minutes. That is the five minutes we all know; it’s likely if he had stopped after the first 12 minutes, the speech would not be #1 on American Rhetoric’s top 100 speeches of the 20th century.

The 12:13 mark of the below video is where he makes the shift into extroverted feeling. So you’ll want to watch at least the few minutes preceding that, and preferably the whole thing, so you can get the proper feel for it:

In this shift to extroverted feeling, he transformed himself from a lecturer to a preacher. King’s attorney, Clarence Jones, described the moment like this:

I have never seen him speak the way I saw him on that day. It was as if some cosmic transcendental force came down and occupied his body. It was the same body, the same voice, but the voice had something I had never heard before.

Selig isn’t comfortable typing King even though she has studied him for a long time. She does say: “he functioned most effectively in the public and political arena as an extroverted feeler.”

Does that mean he was INFJ or ENFJ, which are types frequently assigned to him on personality forums? Not necessarily. Selig also says:

In reading King’s autobiographical statements, it is obvious that his thinking function was dominant in his childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood; this is seen most clearly when examining his approach to religion. Jung’s thinking and feeling functions relate to how we make decisions: objectively or subjectively, with the mind or with the heart.

[…] King decided to join the church at five, not because he “believed” nor had any feeling of God, but because he wanted to keep up with his older sister. At thirteen, he questioned the bodily resurrection of Jesus; it simply made no rational sense to him. His studies in college made him even more skeptical of the fundamentalism of religion

Integration: The Psychology and Mythology of Martin Luther King, Jr. and His (Unfinished) Therapy With the Soul of America by Jennifer Leigh Selig, p. 92

In Jungian typology, there is a concept called the “transcendent function.” Marie-Louis von Franz, who was Jung’s close associate for around 30 years, describes it like this:

To the four comes a fifth thing that is not the four, but is something beyond them and consists of them all. That is what the alchemists called the fifth essence, the quintessentia or the philosopher’s stone. It means a consolidated nucleus of the personality that is no longer identified with any of the functions. This is a stepping out, so to speak, of identification with one’s own consciousness and with one’s own unconscious

Lectures on Jung’s Typology by Marie-Louise von Franz and James Hillman

The transcendent function can appear in mid-life and beyond, so it’s likely that was in play during this speech. Selig describes his speaking style in general as one that could open the minds of both thinkers and feelers:

Certainly one reason King was such a powerful speaker was his ability in a single speech or sermon to reach into the hearts of the feelers and address the minds of the thinkers; one reason why King was such a powerful healer was his ability in any given speech to open the minds of the feelers and open the hearts of the thinkers. Only a man who holds those two opposites in harmonious balance within could do as much.

Trying to figure out King’s type is almost impossible to do because of his mythological stature. As Jesse Jackson said: “Thinking about him is like thinking about the prism, the sun shining through a glass from as many angles as you look. You know there is another set of rays, and as many angles as you think about Dr. King, there is yet another set of angles with which to analyze him.”

Instead, we would all do well to ponder how, with our own types, we can create the “beloved community” that was King’s goal by integrating the opposites within ourselves and integrating with others.

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The 8 archetypes of Extraverted Thinking (Te)

Thinking is a rational, judging function and on the opposite pole of feeling. It organizes experiences and ideas and tends to be intellectual, analytical and impersonal.

The thinking function has no necessary connection with intelligence or the quality of thought, it is simply a process.
Thinking is taking place when one formulates a scientific
concept, reflects on the daily news or adds up a restaurant bill
. It is extraverted or introverted according to whether it is oriented to the object or the subject.

Daryl Sharp, Personality Types: Jung’s Model of Typology, p. 44

Now let’s take a look at Extraverted Thinking (Te).

Extraverted Thinking is mechanistic and is cause-and-effect driven. It creates a world of structured and logical processes and behavior. It can be influenced by societal norms and external experiences.

According to Jungian analyst John Beebe, Te is “interested in definitions that would hold true for everyone, according to ideas everyone might agree with.” Whereas introverted thinking has to “reflect on whether a particular construction really accorded with the conviction of inner truth, regardless of what the received opinion might be.”

At their best, extraverted thinkers are statesmen, lawyers,
practical scientists, respected academics, successful entrepreneurs. They are excellent at establishing order, whether on paper, in their everyday lives, or at a business meeting. With a good sense of facts, they bring clarity into emotional situations. They are assets on any committee; they know Robert’s Rules of Order and when to apply them.

At worst, this type is a religious zealot, a political opportunist, a con man (or woman), a strict pedagogue who brooks
no dissent.

Daryl Sharp, Personality Types: Jung’s Model of Typology, p. 45

Below is the infographic I made that describes all 8 archetypal roles of Te. All personality types have Ti and it behaves differently depending on where it is located. Half of the 16 personalities have it in the top four functions where it is more conscious. The other half have it in shadow.

This concludes the eight part series. Here are my other articles in this series:

The 8 archetypes of Introverted Thinking (Ti)

The 8 archetypes of Introverted Feeling (Fi)

The 8 archetypes of Extroverted Sensation (Se)

The 8 archetypes of Introverted Sensation (Si)

The 8 archetypes of Extroverted Intuition (Ne)

The 8 archetypes of Introverted Intuition (Ni)

The 8 archetypes of Extroverted Feeling (Fe)

Now that I’ve covered the functions, next on my agenda is to write about each of the archetypes (Senex, Trickster, etc.). Stay tuned!

Continue ReadingThe 8 archetypes of Extraverted Thinking (Te)

On astrology, therapy, animals, and the blessings of the broken parts

You know, people come to therapy really for blessing. Not so much to fix what’s broken, as to get what’s broken blessed. – James Hillman

Dream Animals, page 2

There is so much emphasis on “fixing” in our culture.

We think we are broken and need fixing. Or we put pressure on ourselves to help others solve their problems or give them “actionable takeaways” (ugh, I hate that phrase).

It’s easy to forget that feeling seen by another person is sometimes the greatest gift they can give us.

The past five years of Jungian analysis has helped me discover ways to listen to and feel seen by my soul, because a Jungian analysis isn’t about fixing. You aren’t “in treatment.” As Hillman wrote about in The Soul’s Code, one’s “symptoms” can sometimes point you in the direction of your calling; if you listen to the symptoms carefully, they can show you what it is your soul would rather attend to.

Since starting to study ancient astrology a year ago, I’ve discovered that an astrologer can bless someone simply by showing them the breathtakingly intricate ways that they are seen by the cosmos in their birth chart. It helps flip one’s inner narrative from marinating in regrets about certain past events to compassion towards self and others. As Hillman said at an astrology conference in 1997, ” The astrologer reverts events to their sources in the heavens, thereby taking the person out of circumstances and into heaven. Hence the revelatory feelings when a striking interpretation is made. Heaven’s gates open and a connection made between the two spheres.”

And let’s not forget the blessings of animals! The Hillman quote at the beginning of the post was from the book Dream Animals, in which Hillman says blessing by the animal occurs when they wake up our imagination when see them in nature. And when they enter our dreams. He also said that pets were the first psychoanalysts and make us aware of ourselves. I also can’t help but add that astrology reminds us of the blessings of animals, too, as several of the zodiac signs are animal symbols. “The planets are largely stabled among beasts,” as Hillman said.

Yesterday, while getting ready to write the draft of this post, the Lutheran benediction that I heard hundreds of times during childhood and early adulthood came to mind. I was able to recite it without difficulty and it goes something like this:

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you… and give you peace.

I put ellipses in there because I seem to remember the pastor pausing before saying those final four words. Then afterwards the pastor made the sign of the cross, not by touching his or her forehead and chest with their fingers, but with their arm extended from their body, Blessings aren’t meant to be kept clutched to ourselves.

Of course it’s not just a pet, priest, therapist, astrologer, or God that dispenses blessings. All of us can lift up our countenances upon each other and give each other peace.

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The 8 archetypes of Introverted Thinking (Ti)

Thinking gives clarity to the perceptions and decisions of the feeling function. It tends to be intellectual, impersonal, and analytical.

Thinking needs more information than feeling in order to make a judgement, so it tends to work more slowly than the feeling function.

John L. Giannini, who was a Jungian analyst, described the thinking function in general in this way:

Jung and Myers note that the thinking function lends itself to objectifying, systematizing, categorizing, naming, being logical, responding to ideas, seeking just treatment, observing hierarchies, being firm and tough-minded, being easily able to dismiss subordinates, enjoying policy-making and strategizing, seeking dignity and authority, and generally preferring to lead than follow.”

Compass of the Soul, p. 163

Now let’s take a look specifically at introverted thinking (Ti).

For starters, Carl Jung described introverted thinking as subjective:

This thinking is neither determined by objective data nor directed to them; it is a thinking starts from the subject and is directed to subjective ideas or subjective facts.

Psychological Types, para. 579

Ti trusts its own subjective ideas, its own conclusions, and its own judgments. When in analyzing mode it may appear cold, inflexible, and arbitrary. Ti likes to make things precise and helps the person organize their inner world.

Daryl Sharp, who was also a Jungian analyst, elaborates further on this subjectivity:

Lacking an orientation to outer facts, introverted thinking types easily get lost in a fantasy world. Their subjective orientation may seduce them into creating theories for their own sake, apparently based on reality, but actually tied to an inner image. In the extreme case this image becomes all-consuming and alienates them from others.

Personality Types: Jung’s Model of Typology, p. 71

Next, introverted thinking is about precision and clarity. Daryl Sharp again:

Since their thought process is logical and straightforward, they are especially good at filling in the gaps in the so-called nonlinear or lateral thinking—the leaping from thought to thought—that distinguishes the intuitive. As writers, their forte is not originality of content but rather clarity and precision in the organization and presentation of the available material.

Personality Types: Jung’s Model of Typology, p. 71

Finally, introverted thinking is Socratic in nature. Henry L. Thompson describes Ti in Jung’s Function-Attitudes Explained as: “A philosophical quest for the rational truth through the use of penetrating, systematic questioning and doubt. […] The objective of life is the constant seeking and questioning of truth and its ruling principles.”

Thompson also says that Ti may neglect or force-fit facts and can think it knows the real answers.

Below is the infographic I made that describes all 8 archetypal roles of Ti. All personality types have Ti and it behaves differently depending on where it is located. Half of the 16 personalities have it in the top four functions where it is m ore conscious. The other half have it in shadow.

These archetypes descriptions are just sketches and aren’t meant to be literal. The shadow functions in particular are highly qualitative. Our shadow is unconscious and the contents of each person’s shadow differ, of course.

The shadow functions are a guide for you to understand your complexes better. When you get “triggered,” and it is brought to your conscious attention (usually by another person or by you noticing your own physical reaction), you can try to trace it back to a shadow function and then reverse engineer it further to explore the origin of your complex.

Remember that no function ever acts separately from the other functions. Jung said we almost never see a pure form of a function. We consider a function only in order to better understand the whole of the personality.

This is part 7 of 8 in the series. Here are my other articles in this series:

The 8 archetypes of Introverted Feeling

The 8 archetypes of Extroverted Sensation (Se)

The 8 archetypes of Introverted Sensation (Si)

The 8 archetypes of Extroverted Intuition (Ne)

The 8 archetypes of Introverted Intuition (Ni)

The 8 archetypes of Extroverted Feeling (Fe)

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