What is the Blast animal in Objective Personality?

Blast is perhaps the most misunderstood of the four “animals” in the Objective Personality personality type system.

People conflate Blast with talking, which is understandable, given its name. But the name “Blast” primarily describes the energy of taking initiative, getting started, and making quick decisions. Kind of a “3-2-1 Blast Off!” quality, but not in terms of physical energy.

There is also a communication aspect to Blast. To better understand the communication side of Blast, you have to look at the animal stack as a whole, and not just Blast as a single part.

The focus of this article is the four Blast Sleep animal stacks (SB/C, BS/C, SB/P, and BS/P). I will write a separate article about the Blast Play animal stacks. Blast Play is the animal stack more associated with talking.

Here is a quick summary of both the communication and “getting started” components of Blast when paired with Sleep:

Blast and Sleep as saviors (the top two animals in the stack) deliberate before communicating, but do not deliberate before getting started and taking initiative.

Blast Sleep as “demons” (bottom two of the animal stack) deliberate before getting started and taking initiative, but do not deliberate before communicating. This is why someone with Blast last may come across as Blast savior to people who conflate Blast with talking.

Blast and Sleep together as the “saviors” (top two) of the animal stack figure out what to say before they speak or write. Whereas Blast and Play as saviors talk or write until they figure out what to say.

Clarity and conciseness is the focus of Blast Sleep as the saviors. It is like a funnel. It can take a jumble of ideas, data, or walls of text, and narrow it down to a singular idea or statement.

Blast Sleep is more comfortable in the realm of one-on-one connection with people. Although they do have audience in mind when crafting their communication, the audience doesn’t have to be real time in order for the communication to be gratifying to them.

Now we’ll take a look at the Blast Sleep animal stacks and how the energy flows. The graphs aren’t literal, they just give a sense of how the three main animal energies might flow during the course of an action or an entire day:

In SB/C vs. BS/C the former will be a bit more deliberative in both speaking and taking initiative, but not as much as a SC/B would be. The SB/C might even have a bit more endurance than the BS/C because the most energetic function, Blast, is in the middle. The BS/C starts out stronger, but could fade out quicker than the SB/C.

SB/P is technically an extrovert. They start out slow and might be a night person. Dave Powers of Objective Personality has this animal stack and once talked about how when he parks at a parking lot at a grocery store, for example, he has to sit in the car for awhile and summon forth his energy. Once he’s in motion he is energetic. He is a night owl, with his energy accumulating throughout the day.

In BS/C vs. BS/P, the BS/P is an extrovert, but will still have the “deliberate before talking, don’t deliberate before getting started” qualities. The Play gives them some extra zip in the form of more physical energy than BS/C.

I added animal images to the infographic because it’s high time we have some fun and associate some actual animals to these energies. I wasn’t terribly scientific in selecting the images. I chose a bird for BS/C, my animal stack, because I love birds, and birds represent the BS/C stack well (extra credit if you can identify the bird in the image; it’s my favorite bird). Birds have a lot of energy in the morning, fade in the afternoon, and then have more energy in the evening when they eat and congregate (roost) with their flock.

I based the other animals on the ones from this article that seem to match the energy flow of the respective animal stacks. Feel free to suggest alternatives!

Continue ReadingWhat is the Blast animal in Objective Personality?

INFJ’s growing edge: extroverted feeling (Fe)

Sometimes I think that there is a huge growing edge for the INFJ where one can switch out from applying Fe that is directly in the service of Ni (which is more of what we naturally/instinctively do) and can switch into a more pure Fe mode

To simply engage with other people in a way that isn’t tethered to analysis, prediction, or anything intellectual in its quality, but to simply be here now with others and to connect with them as they are….in the moment … without going overboard and overly caretaking and/or advising them in overprotective ways. 

This is definitely our type’s growing edge when it comes to hitting the sweet spot of utilizing Fe.

Continue ReadingINFJ’s growing edge: extroverted feeling (Fe)

The role of animals in your personality type part 2: an inner animal totem (or, Tarot and Turtles in the Heartland

Animal energies are an important element of our personality, as the Objective Personality system acknowledges.

An “animal stack” for a personality type is great, But how about we also add to the mix an inner animal totem for each person that is unique to them? The more archetypes … and the more personal they are … the better.

Due to some synchronicity, I discovered Stargazers metaphysical store in Door County, Wisconsin during a getaway this past weekend. I knew immediately I wanted to get a deck of tarot cards.

The Animal Totem Tarot book and deck by Leeza Robertson practically jumped out at me. I was also eyeing another deck, but my daughter said that of course I had to get the animal one, because I’m into birds.

The book has illustrations and a three page description of each card, with pointers on how to apply the animal archetype into your career, relationships, and health.

That evening I did the Inner Animal Totem spread, whereby you place the 22 major arcana cards face down and, through a certain process, choose eight cards for your totem.

Here are my eight cards from bottom to top:

Card 1 – The Earth from which You Grow

This card represents the fertile ground, where everything you create is rooted and grows from.

My animal for this is Honey Pot Ant (XII Hanged Man card)

Honey Pot Ants are force-fed food and go to the top of the nest and “spend the rest of their lives hanging up side down, regurgitating nectar for the rest of the colony. Talk about a life of sacrifice, service, and surrender.” To top it off, they aren’t supposed to complain.

Sounds awfully confining and exhausting. Ah, too bad I didn’t get the Great Grey Owl card for this.

Card 2 – The Roots

This card represents the root system, which brings the much-needed nutrients to the rest of your totem pole, so you can grow and expand.

My animal for this is Lemur (XIX The Sun card)

The lemur isn’t nocturnal and would die without the sun’s energy. The card “has the ability to heal the cards around it. […] He heals because he knows how to and … just intuitively does what he needs to to do to be complete and whole. No fuss, no worries, and no drama.”

The no fuss and no drama part I have down pat anyway.

Card 3 – Create, Regenerate, and Give Birth

This card draws life energy from the roots and brings it into physical form.

My animal for this is Bobcat (XV Devil card)

It is in the Devil that one tends to be who they truly are and not who others wish they would be.”

But there’s a catch, of course: “In the presence of the devil you are one hundred percent responsible and accountable for your thoughts, feelings, and actions.”

Card 4 – Action, Inspiration, and Reaction

This is where you find the energy of your inner child. “This is the energy you bring outward into the world around you.

My animal for this is Mantis (IX Hermit card)

“Surrender to the darkness, relax into it, and allow what you need to find you. Then follow Mantis as he brings you out of the darkness and delivers you back to the light.”

How oxymoronic that my action card is a hermit. This is shaping up to be an introverted totem. Lemurs don’t do darkness, so I’d better keep lemur away from mantis. Where’s that great grey owl?

Card 5 – The Heart of the Mediator

This card represents the mediator energy within your totem pole. “It brings the energies from both above and below and merges them into one.”

My animal for this is Swans (VI The Lovers).

Birdies! Not a great grey owl, but I’ll take it.

The element of “inner beauty and inner wholeness is crucial to the power of the Lovers card. […] Learn how to stand in your own power while reveling in the power of those around you.

Card 6 – Communication

This card shows you how you listen and communicate with the world around you.

My animal for this is Gorilla (IV Emperor card)

“It is his responsibility to make sure his band is kept healthy and strong. But this is only one of the Emperor’s daily concerns. … Being on top of the mountain, so to speak, isn’t as easy as it looks. [,..] The key to leadership is showing strength in all its forms.”

So much work. At least he looks like a badass. Where’s that Great Grey Owl card?

Card 7 – The Eyes Have It (Vision)

It is here that the bigger picture comes into focus. It is about seeing the map, journey, and destination all at once.

My animal for this is Ox (VIII Strength card)

“Look at the path the ox must walk with his load. […] It takes time to build muscles, will, and resolve. […] your strength will come one step at a time.”

I’m tired just reading about these last two cards.

Great grey owl, where are you? This would have been the perfect place for the owl to appear, because owls have a cool way of using their ears to see. Oh well. At least it wasn’t the dung beetle!

Card 8 – Top of the Totem Pole: Awareness

This animal works hand in hand with the animal at the bottom of your totem pole. The card at the top “shows you how to control your mind and how to bring it to a state of awareness, so that you can send your requests out to the universe and then get out of the way.”

My animal for this is Flamingo (XIV Temperance).

A birdie!

In regards to the flamingo’s pink feathers: “The skin is an amazing organ and just like Temperance, it is a master at mixing disparate elements so that it can find balance and harmony.”

But wait, there’s more!

That would normally be where the totem ends, but synchronicity struck while I was out and about in the hot weather taking these silly photos,

I heard a loud splash in the lagoon. It took a while to figure out what it was, but eventually I noticed a large turtle. I was a little spooked by it, as I’ve never seen one in the lagoon before. And I worried, because it looked as if it may have been struggling.

I decided to check the Animal Totem book when I got home to see if there is a turtle entry. There is:

You already have all that you need, right where you are. So take it easy, slow down, and just this once allow yourself to stop and smell the roses. It is okay to relax for a moment, because where you are is safe and protected. Here in this garden no one needs or wants anything from you. Relax, take a deep breath, and count your blessings. – Message from the Tortoise”

Well then. This turtle just made its way onto my animal totem. Who needs a great grey owl anyway.

Continue ReadingThe role of animals in your personality type part 2: an inner animal totem (or, Tarot and Turtles in the Heartland

Typing others while reducing projections and bias

A mode of deep listening is required within the framework of a dynamic/fluid conversation.

Regarding biases/projections, it is important that the person doing the typing recognize that he/she will not be completely devoid of bias and to accept this fact. At the same time, by listening deeply and asking thoughtful questions that may address one or more cognitive functions, the person doing the typing attempts to minimize projection as much as possible and aims to put the focus first and foremost on dialoguing with the client in the type of dynamic ‘dance’ that can naturally occur within the typing session.

When listening to the client comes first, the presence of bias can be minimized as best as humanly possible.

Bias can never be eliminated but only reduced. So by aiming towards accuracy and towards hearing the client and matching the responses (as best as possible) to what is known of the 8 function model, some great progress can be made towards landing at a type that fits the client in a natural way.

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Is AI the future of personality typing?

So much energy goes into studying and debating the accuracy of various personality typology methods.

What if typing didn’t have to be that complicated?

Imagine… the consternation and stress many people experience when they are typed incorrectly could become mostly a thing of the past.

There is a lot of discussion these days about bringing objectivity into the typing process.

To remove bias from personality typing, and make the process as objective as possible, then how about we just let AI do the typing?

Carl Jung created typology to be used as a tool for individuation, so at first glance this concept might seem oxymoronic, if not downright appalling. I’ll address that in a moment, but first let’s take a quick look at the technology aspect.

The technology already exists. It simply needs to be tailored for typology.

For example, HireVue created assessment and video interview softwarethat eliminates the need for resumes and traditional interviews. It is now widely used by employers

Applicants upload their LinkedIn profile. Then, if it passes the AI screening process, the applicant receives an invitation to play 12 online games that assess cognitive, emotional, and social traits.

The next stage is a digital one-way interview. The applicant answers a series of pre-recorded questions via computer or smartphone from the comfort of their home.

AI assesses the video and analyzes the speech-to-text translation for the words used and notes how often the person uses the word “I” instead of “we,” and picks up on other EQ skills.

The bias, fatigue, projections, hunger pains, etc., of a human interviewer are removed from the process. At the end, if selected as a finalist, the applicant talks with a real human.

It’s not a stretch to see how a similar AI approach could be used for personality typing.

To be statistically valid, one would need a sample size of at least 350+ people for each personality type. The text of those interviews, facial expressions, tone of voice, and emotion detection become part of the algorithm. The algorithm would pay attention only to those factors that have proven to predict a particular type. Regular audits and testing would be done to eliminate bias in the algorithm.

It removes the typologist bottleneck. AI could type people at scale much more quickly than typologists ever could in person.

One could easily find outliers and those would be followed up with by a human typologist. Refinements and adjustments made to that typing would be entered into the algorithm to improve accuracy in the future. It would be very iterative.

The data could be used for more than just typing people.

You could do a search of the data to find out characteristics and trends of a particular type.

You could compare, say, ENTP’s over the age of 65 to those under the age of 30. How often does an ISTJ mention books compared to an INTP? Are INFJ’s really only 1% of the data set? And so on.

It could eliminate the anecdotal profiles that proliferate today. There would now be actually data to drive the writing of the profiles.

This is similar to customer experience/feedback management software by companies like Qualtrics that businesses use to analyze the thousands of phone calls, emails, live chats, survey responses, etc. they receive every day.

Users of this software never long to return to the days when humans had to attempt to acquire this data through manually listening to a smattering of call recordings and taking a guess at what was upsetting customers. Instead the desire is simply for more and more data from AI.

The data can be served up in something as simple as a word cloud. You also have the ability to drill down deeper and find detailed insights. Instead of having to spend time finding data, there is the luxury of analyzing it instead.

Again, it is easy to see how this could apply to typology as well.

Why humans can’t be objective

Daniel Kahneman makes the bold claim that “humans should be replaced by algorithms whenever possible.”

This is because human thinking is too noisy and narrow to be objective:

Wisdom is breadth. Wisdom is not having a narrow view; that’s the essence of wisdom. It’s broad framing, and a robot will be endowed with broad framing.

And I really do not see why, when it has learned enough, it will not be wiser than we people because we don’t have broad framing. We’re narrow thinking, we’re noisy thinkers, it’s very easy to improve upon us, and I don’t think that there is very much that we can do that computers will not eventually be programmed to do.

Let’s also not forget how much projections get in the way of objectivity. A projection is when we observe our own unconscious tendencies in other people. We tend to be unaware of our projections.

Marie-Louise von Franz, Carl Jung’s close associate, said:

Projections of all kinds obscure our view of our fellow men, spoiling its objectivity, and thus spoiling all possibility of genuine human relationships.”

OK, fine. Robots can type people. But should they?

According to psychiatrist and Jungian analyst John Beebe, The Association of Psychological Typing says it’s unethical to type someone without interviewing them.

Therefore, follow up with a human typologist would be imperative. But it there would be the luxury for the conversation to focus on the inner work needed for individuation and living out one’s type, and less about the typing process.

And, dare I say it, there could be less conversation about disagreeing about type and more about integrating it.

Knowledge of one’s personality type has to slowly seep inwards. There is the gradual slow reveal of your type as you receive confirmation of it through dreams, engagement with your shadow side, and one-on-one work with an analyst/coach/therapist, etc.

Those not interested in that kind of depth would at least be likely to learn insights about themselves they may not have have otherwise. Personality typing could benefit more people who know little or nothing about typology.

Even though Daniel Kahneman says that humans won’t always prefer emotional contact with other humans over robots, I suspect for the foreseeable future it will be real, non-artificial intelligence that will help people integrate their typing.

And, in the final analysis, your psyche will always know more about your true type than any robot or human ever will.



AEI public policy January 11, 2018 blog post about Daniel Kahneman

On Being interview with Daniel Kahneman

Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung

Energies and Patterns in Psychological Type by John Beebe

Net Prompter System Podcast interview with HireVue’s Kevin Parker

Continue ReadingIs AI the future of personality typing?

Tapping into my inferior ESTP mode

As an INFJ, I feel like when I am in my inferior ESTP mode, I tap into a certain rawness and bluntness that cuts to the core of experiencing life. It stems from my love of rock music, being a huge sports (and especially basketball) fan. It also makes me gravitate heavily towards people who have this raw, no bullshit way of communicating.

I am very attracted to raw and vivid TRUTH. Simply viewing reality as it is without any distortion or manipulation. Just living in a hardcore, essential kind of way.

I’m very attracted to people that embody these hyper-REAL qualities to them, and I love the opportunity to (on occasion) express that rawness.

This is a huge reason why (on a Socionics level) I can totally buy into the idea of connecting with an ESTP dual. All the qualities that I just mentioned (in a human being that expresses these qualities) certainly can be something that I can viscerally relate to in a really genuine, hardcore way.

Continue ReadingTapping into my inferior ESTP mode

The role of animals in your personality type

Did you know that animals play a role in your personality type?

I don’t just mean regular animals, although they are important. Like Jungian analyst James Hillman said, pets were the first psychoanalysts. I’m referring to the animal within with whom, according to Carl Jung, we must connect in order to become a whole person.

Jung said we have a “2 million-year-old man within” and that “we still have an animal character.” Our 2 million-year-old woman/man manifests in dreams where we experience numinous connections with animals. James Hillman called dreams “zoological cathedrals.”

Jungian analyst Dennis L. Merritt says:

The purpose of psychoanalysis is to enliven and enrich consciousness through contact with the animal instinctual level.

Jung again:

The body is the original animal condition, we are all animals in body, and so we have to have an animal psychology in order to be able to live in it. […] Since we have a body it is indispensable that we exist also as an animal.”

This brings us to the Objective Personality typology system.

Objective Personality: bringing animals to your personality

In addition to a function stack, Objective Personality includes an “animal stack” of four animal energies for each personality type. It’s like your body has a type of its own and this type has a direct connection to your personality type.

The animals are created by two cognitive functions working together. Here are the names and descriptions of the four animals as per the Objective Personality website:

Sleep — “Process and preserves energy for self, before expending energy for the tribe.”

Sleep is about budgeting one’s energy and attention. It’s what helps preserve the flow state in my mind.

Consume — “Takes in and respects info, before getting started and teaching.”

Listening, reading, and researching are some of the attributes of consume.

Blast– “ Gets started and is able to teach, before respecting and gathering info.”

Blast is often conflated with speaking, but this isn’t always the case with introverts people who have this animal. For introverts, blast is an internal energy that propels us. It’s also used to make our speaking and writing as concise as possible.

Play — Expends energy for the tribe, before processing and preserving energy for self.

Blast and Play are extroverted and Sleep and Consume are introverted. If two of your top three animals are introverted, then you are an introvert.

Conversely, if two of the top three animals are extroverted then you are extrovert.

The animal stacks can also help explain why some extroverts think they are an introvert and vice versa. The third animal in your animal stack is your “hobby” animal. For example, if someone has Consume as the third animal, they might tend to seek out reading and other Consume activities in their spare time. If someone has Sleep as their third animal, and their top two animals are the extroverted Play and Sleep animals, they might feel like they are an introvert sometimes, because they will be inclined to seek out Sleep activities in their spare time. These activities allow them to be quiet and recharge.

Create a field guide for your animal

You should also study your animal with objective or disinterested observations, the way a zoologist studies animals. Only you are studying the animal named you.

Jim Collins, the author of Good to Great and other business books, spent several years early in his career making detached observations about himself. But that’s not all. He also would make note when another individual would inspire him:

I’d spent a lot of it not just on my own experiences, but also very much on people that I admired. Not people from afar, people I knew and observed. Not their achievements, but something about the quality of what they were. And that was also a big part of that observation process.

How to care for your animal

The first step in caring for your animal is to understand how your animal cares for you.

Marie-Louise von Franz, who was a close associate of Carl Jung’s for several decades, and was an expert in both typology and fairy tales, said that the only “rule” or “ethic” in the mysterious world of fairy tales is this:

Anyone who earns the gratitude of animals, or whom they help for any reason, invariably wins out. This is the only unfailing rule I have been able to find.

Our animals are a vital support system to our cognitive functions. John Beebe describes the function stack as two axes. The “spine” axis is the hero (lead) function and anima/animus (inferior) function. These are the functions we use to develop ourselves.

The “arms” axis is the parent (auxiliary) and child (tertiary) functions. These are the functions we use to help others.

I view our animal as the reverse of this. Our lead and inferior animals helps us engage with the outside world. And our middle two animals help us take care of ourselves.

For example, Beebe says the second function is the parent function, but it is only able to parent others; it is not able to parent oneself very well. I think the second animal can swoop in and help you parent yourself.

The next step is to pay attention to your last animal. A person with Play last could endlessly remain in the realm of Blast/Sleep/Consume, but their body will occasionally let them know when they need to get up and move around, take a walk, or interact with others.

Those with Sleep last sometimes indicate they are capable of being on the go constantly, but their bodies will occasionally slow them down by getting sick, or they experience a flare up of a chronic medical condition. Then they spend a day or more in bed to recover.

Please feed your animals

The best scenario is to regularly “budget” time to engage with your last animal.

Someone with Play last could schedule regular time to exercise, schedule recurring lunches with co-workers or friends, and so on.

Someone with Blast last could engage in small activities with little planning beforehand or start writing blog or social media posts regularly with little preparation.

Someone with Consume last could have scheduled time where they read books, articles, watch documentaries, and so on. One consume last person said that after he finishes reading a book, he has to start a new book within 24 hours, otherwise there is the danger he will go months without reading any books.

Someone with Sleep last could budget a certain number of hours per week/month to devote to Sleep, which could involve writing a journal entry and reflecting in solitude with no set purpose.

Your animal helps you reach your full human potential

According to Jungian analyst Dennis L. Merritt:

To be truly human, Jung believed, and to reach our unique potential,we have to be in relationship to animals. This is both an outer relationship to animals and an intimate relationship with the collective unconscious, coming to terms with the animal in our inheritance.

The collective unconscious makes its appearance in our dreams quite often and is also a part of our animal nature. Keeping a dream journal is one way to maintain this connection with the numinous, archetypes, and your shadow side.

Many forces in our society suppress both our outer relationship to animals and our relationship to the collective unconscious. Making the unconscious conscious is the goal of individuation. Integrating your animal self is a part of this.

A good first step is to discuss your dreams with a Jungian analyst. Speaking from experience, (disclosure: I am a client of Dennis Merritt’s), I can’t emphasize the importance of this enough.

I think often about how animals are always fully themselves. A tiger doesn’t try to pretend to be a cow. A Northern Cardinal doesn’t pretend to be a Great Horned Owl.

Native Americans have a perfect model for this. When a boy reached puberty he was “put on a hill” and not given food or water for four days. He would call out for a vision in hopes of receiving his spirit animal, among other things.

According to Dennis L. Merritt:

The energy was embodied, for example, by studying the animal, wearing elements of it on one’s body, dancing it at sacred gatherings, etc. If a young man did not have a spirit animal he could not go into battle: it would be a crime for someone to die without ever knowing who they really were. [emphasis mine]

Humans are the only animal that can pretend to be someone they are not. This is also why personality typology is so important and an important tool for individuation, so you can understand your true essence beneath your persona.

Your type can be revealed to you over time through work with an analyst. I recommend studying the 8 function model of John Beebe, Lectures in Psychological Type by Marie-Louise Von Franz and James Hillman, the Enneagram (especially Don Richard Riso’s works and his concept of the Levels of Development), and the animal stack in Objective Personality, for a complete picture.

It seems appropriate to close this article with a quote from Ursula Le Guin, the fantasy and science fiction author:

The animal does not reason but it sees. And it acts with certainty; it acts ‘rightly,’ appropriately. That is why all animals are beautiful. It is the animal who knows the way, the way home.


Objective Personality website

Dream Animals by James Hillman

Jung and Ecopsychology: The Dairy Farmer’s Guide to the Universe by Dennis L. Merritt, Ph.D. and Jungian Analyst

Care of the Soul a lecture by Dennis L. Merritt, Ph.D., February, 2019.

The Child and the Shadow, an essay in the book The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction by Ursula Le Guin

Energies and Patterns in Psychological Type by John Beebe

Tim Ferriss Show interview with Jim Collins

The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson

Lectures on Jung’s Typology by Marie-Louise Von Franz and James Hillman

Continue ReadingThe role of animals in your personality type

Introverted Intuition (Ni) and the Gestalt

As an INFJ, when I receive an Ni insight, it is generally of a non-verbal, symbolic nature.  It is often very right-brained and it gives me this gestalt insight. It is as if this insight comes to me in this large block or chunk.  It is highly raw and often gets right to the point. But even as it gets to the point, it is still very holistic and is often hard to break down.  By its nature, it is very symbolic and taps into some very intuitive archetypes that can often come from the collective unconscious. It may have a narrative that I cannot fully articulate, but that I can feel quite viscerally.  

It is my Ti that aims to put language to my insights.  And to do that, it often feels like I am taking an axe and chopping away at that block of insight until I can find just the right words to articulate my thoughts.  Since my Ti is my tertiary function, which simply doesn’t have the same adeptness level as my dominant Ni, there are times when I will struggle to find the proper articulations necessary to verbalize the idea.  It is often a hit or miss proposition.

When I can capture a certain truth, using primarily Ni with a backup of Ti, it usually is something non-verbal that I can just so readily vibe that it is in alignment with something either true, good, or beautiful.  Ni simply knows the essence of these three qualities, and when something external taps into these states, something inside me simply goes ‘Uh Huh!’ with this sense of inner rightness. While Ti certainly taps into this assessment of the truth, especially when something makes logical sense, it is Ni that simply reaches a state of unwavering gnosis.  So when I am learning something and arrive at a point where I just GET IT, it is Ni that is involved with this process. However, because of this, Ni feels amorphous. What makes this really challenging is that it is very hard to justify the rightness of an Ni-derived truth. It is hard to take truth and to thin-slice it in a way that is fully explainable or articulable to the outside world.  To people who want all truths and all data to be verifiable, this can be a daunting task because it involves chopping up that Ni chunk after all.

As a result of everything that I’ve just described, I strongly suspect that Ni-dominants can sometimes become stuck with the innate challenge of explaining, justifying, or articulating a deep symbolic truth.  To other types, they may be able to attain the language to do this. Even to Ni-doms, ever so often, they can succeed at articulating these ideas. However, at other times, they are at a loss for words, since thin-slicing gestalts is not always attainable.  I tend to think that many Ni dominants will lean more towards writing than speaking, because in writing, they have the advantage of having time on their side to hopefully find some novel context (or canvass) by which they can create some mode of explaining their insights.  But even then, it can sometimes take months to years to fully describe a vision in all its splendid details (in ways that Si users might be more able to encapsulate).

With all this being said, Ni is likely the cognitive function most interested in addressing some of the most panoramic and big-picture archetypal themes that exist.  It is the pleasure of the Ni user to deal in paradigm-changing domains and to influence these areas in notable ways. So because these types will often think about grand concepts and themes, it is not uncommon for the grandness of these themes to be quite challenging to language in a highly detailed way.  This might appear frustrating at times for such an individual, as I’m sure that they would love to be able to concretely explain every archetypal and symbolic understanding that they encounter. However, undoubtedly, this pales in comparison to the Ni-user abandoning the complex for the sake of only dealing with highly routinized or simplified objects.  They want and crave to grapple with the complexities of life. To do so carries the utmost sense of meaning and purpose. For this sake, with all its payoffs and drawbacks, Ni-users would gladly say that grappling with the complex is well worth it!

Continue ReadingIntroverted Intuition (Ni) and the Gestalt

How to parent others with your parent function

The second (auxiliary) cognitive function is, in archetypal terms, your parent function. This is the function you can call upon when “parenting” others.

Someone who is an ENTP or ESTP type, for example, has introverted thinking (Ti) as their parent function. They use this function to help others define their problems more sharply and bring clarity to the situation.

An INFJ or ISFF has extroverted feeling (Fe) as their parent function. When advising others, they use this function to relate to the other person and understand their motivations.

Things get more complicated and nuanced, however, when factoring in the age of the other person and their relationship to you.

Keep the Hero in its proper place

When interacting with a peer that you get along with well, it is fairly easy to remain in parent function mode when providing assistance or interacting with them.

When dealing with the elderly, a vulnerable person, your own parents. or a peer that you dislike, however, it is all too easy to slip into Hero (lead) function mode instead. The hero function’s more proper role is to serve in developing your personal identity. When used in an interaction with someone you are ‘parenting,” it can overwhelm them.

For example, an INFJ has Hero introverted intuition (Ni). When they have an insight to share with someone, it is best if they filter it through their parent function first and not just blurt it out. That filtering process will quite often result in the person keeping that insight to themselves until the time is right to share it.

In their zeal to help a person in need, an ESTJ or ENTJ might overwhelm the person with too much extroverted thinking (te) style solutions.

Things get even more interesting when pondering which functions you use with your parents. Karma and baggage from childhood may trigger you to use the Hero in anger, or regress into using the Child function, all too often. When you find yourself triggered in this way, it will reveal growth opportunities. If your parent is elderly, try using your parent function with them as much as you can (assuming your relationship with them is fairly healthy).

If you find yourself feeling impatient when helping someone, or if it is obvious that you wounded them or were unable to help them, check to see if you inadvertently slipped into Hero mode instead. Of course there are more extreme situations when, in order to get through to someone, or to set a boundary, you may need to invoke your Hero, with a strong helping of Anima/Animus, and bypass the parent function.

How to (not) use your parent function with children

When interacting with young children, using your child function instead of your parent function will help you meet them at their level.

One of the ironies of parenting is that using the parent function can backfire. This is because the shadow function of the parent function (the Witch/Senex) can get activated. The Opposing Parent contains the scripts of things we received in childhood from our own parents. Complexes sometimes run amok here. Before you know it, your parent function can be overtaken by your Opposing Parent function if you aren’t conscious of it. And if the Hero function gets thrown into the mix, it will escalate into a contentious situation.

For an interesting twist, or to break a negative pattern, if you are a parent of teenagers or young adults, try tapping into the child’s parent function. You might be pleasantly surprised at how well an ISFP teenage daughter can redecorate a room for you or pick out an outfit for you in a store. A 23-year-old ESFJ son could be just the right person to plan the family next vacation. An INTJ child could help you learn the best practices of a particular video game. And so on.

An important factor of children in regards to typology is that they can help you type into your Anima/Animus (inferior function) in a healthy way. A daughter may see her father’s feminine and softer side in a way her brother, and even her mother, does not. The same is true of mothers and sons. A mother may be able to better tap into her masculine energy if she has a son.

How to parent yourself

Re-parenting – or, parenting yourself – is an important part of maturity. Eventually one has to take care of oneself and stop relying on, and blaming, their parents for their problems.

However, you can’t use the parent function to parent yourself very well. You’ll need the parent functions of others for that, along with your other three functions, especially the Hero and Anima/Animus functions.

The right archetype for the right situation

A great thing about viewing the functions as archetypes is that it makes it is easier to call upon the functions deliberately – and to avoid using a certain function – as needed,

Keep in mind no two people use the same parent function the same way, because the parent archetype means something a little different to each person, so therefore there isn’t a “right” way to use a parent function.

There is a delicate geometry involved when interacting with others and the unique expression of their own functions. Respecting this will result in fewer collisions and more harmony and self-awareness.

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