On recovering personal authority
It’s a relief that Hexagram 14: Possession in Great Measure is here.
That Mars-Uranus opposition energy was getting tiring. I mostly experienced it in my dreams. Last night alone I dreamt a drunken man entered our home by mistake. Initially he was friendly but became hostile and I used all my might to hold our front door shut after somehow shoving him outside. Then a dream where I was in my car at an intersection and a man jumped on the car and climbed onto the roof and stayed on it as I slowly drove forward when the light turned green while simultaneously calling 911. Then yet another dream where I accidentally entered my neighbor’s house instead of my own. Fortunately he was nice about it and offered to give me a tour of his house. Still another where I returned home and a huge city bus was in our small driveway.
All are good examples of the unexpected and sometimes aggressive Mars-Uranus energy. Jungian analyst John Beebe says every day has a typology component, so those dreams certainly reveal me having to confront inferior extraverted sensation too.
Possession in Great Measure means clarity and strength are united. “Power is expressing itself in a graceful and controlled way,” per Richard Wilhelm’s translation.
I’m reminded of how my favorite Jungian author, James Hollis, repeatedly emphasizes the importance of reclaiming our personal authority.
Many of us at one time or another outsourced our authority to a guru or authority figure and too often feel tentative and unworthy as a result. “This is why the recovery of personal authority, namely, sorting through the incessant bombardment from the exterior world, and the immense traffic within, to find the voice of our own soul is so necessary.”
With the Sun and Mars entering Sagittarius in the coming days, and Mercury already there, the timing is right to start focusing on our personal authority. The jarring Mars-Uranus energy lit the initial spark but now we can hand it off to the fire sign of Sagittarius, which is a fire sign ruled by Jupiter. The pursuit of truth, wholeness, and optimism are part of its nature.
In closing I’ll offer some questions from James Hollis on recovering personal authority:
What is true for you?
What not?
Why do you say that?
How do you know?
And now, are you prepared to live your truth in this world with its consequences, or prepared to live the consequences of your continued evasions of your personal truth?
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I Ching or Book of Changes translated by Richard Wilhelm
The Broken Mirror: Refracted Visions of Ourselves by James Hollis