Working on ourselves, in ourselves, and for ourselves
And so it begins, the much-awaited Aries eclipse and entrance of Neptune into Aries, ushering in a new era where fire will become the dominant element. This marks a shift away from water and earth energy.
Am I the only one who has felt a bit waterlogged as of late, what with various planets all congregating together in late Pisces? Plus Mars is still in Cancer.
So let’s bring one some fire: individuation, freedom, spiritual autonomy, clarity, independence, charisma.
The shift from water to fire is like the withdrawal and return in the individuation process:
The withdrawal must conclude with a return—otherwise the journey was self-indulgent. Creative persons who respond to a challenge have to communicate a sense of their experience. If they can’t communicate their response, if they can’t cause others to listen and hear, they may suffer serious psychological damage within themselves (Sparks, Carl Jung and Arnold Toynbee: The Social Meaning of Inner Work, p. 72).
When we retreat to work on ourselves, we must then take it back outside and help fix the problems in society, otherwise we will remain detached:
By working on ourselves, in ourselves, and for ourselves, we are also working for society. Inner work, done at depth and with integrity, leads us back to the social world insofar as the problems we have addressed and made progress in solving in ourselves are also the problems ailing our times (Sparks, p. 41).
The fire energy is supportive of you doing what you do best.
Be clear on your values and what you stand for.
Remember you are not what happened to you – you are what you choose to become.
Reclaim the lost parts of yourself that you have previously disowned, as they are your treasures.
Learn to feel your fear without letting it stop you.
Finally, as James Hollis says, “keep the fire for freedom, dignity, and respect for all burning with a hot blue flame in your heart.”
We’re all depending on it.
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