Within the magical cauldron of Scorpio

The image of a cauldron – Hexagram 50 – seems an appropriate one for kicking off Scorpio season.

Only two of the 64 hexagrams represent a manmade object and The Cauldron is one of them (The Well is the other).

We are still in the midst of the 14 day eclipse season, which can be a liminal and erratic time. The Caulrdon signifies a new beginning per Hilary Barrett’s translation: “The Vessel provides stable, robust foundations for a new life, and also the crucible where you can expect to be transformed and remade…Inside a well-made Vessel, your sense of who you are and what you are here to do crystallizes and becomes clearly defined.”

Some stability seems welcome right about now and the fixed water sign of Scorpio is our vessel.

The Sun, Mercury, and Mars are all in Scorpio for the next 3-4 weeks. Saturn in Pisces is forming a trine to the Sun in Scorpio, further solidifying our Vessel.

Intensity. Penetrating. Cautious. These are a few of the keywords I associate with Scorpio.

Joy Usher describes Scorpio as follow: “Scorpio prefers to maintain a calm and collected demeanour, prides itself on being competent and good under pressure, and prefers to hide its emotions so that it draws the least amount of attention.”

And: “Scorpio lies in dark pools of water quietly hidden away in marshes and swamps where shadows play on the surface and the land has become saturated and can no longer absorbe any more liquid.”

Coincidentally, Usher even mentions the cauldron as a symbol when discussing the feminine/yin water signs, including Scorpio: “Within the magical container dormant energy lies invisible to the naked eye and the inert vessel is merely waiting for the right circumstances to release its power.”

In mythology cauldrons represent “the life-force of the community. When the tribe meets to communicate any mportant news, it gathers at the cauldron.”

What house is Scorpio in in your natal chart? Do you have any natal planets there or is it your rising sign? Settle in and ruminate on the following questions:

Describe or draw your vessel for transformation, What are the right circumstances that will release its power?
What are you beginning in this area of your life?
What will you cook?

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I Ching: Walking Your Path, Creating Your Future by Hilary Barrett

A Tiny Universe: Astrology and the Thema Mundi Chart by Joy Usher