The Big 3 of Temperament

The “Big 3” in an astrology chart are the Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. In an ideal world everyone would know what their Big 3 are.

Temperament also has a Big 3: Rising sign element, Moon sign element, and Season of Birth. If two or more of these are the same temperament, then you have a very good idea what the overall temperament is before diving into a more formal calculation of temperament.

Choleric correlates to the fire signs of Leo, Sagittarius, and Leo. Sanguine consists of the air signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Melancholic has the earth signs of Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. Phlegmatic is found in the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

The seasons of birth are as follows: Spring is Sanguine, Summer is Choleric, Fall is Melancholic, and Winter is Phlegmatic. With temperament, the season of birth is more important than the Sun sign, which Jung also believed. Modern astrology places a lot of emphasis on the Sun sign, but the Sun sign isn’t about your personality, despite what the memes say. The Sun sign shows the plot line of your life and what your soul is up to and feels compelled to do. It is a lifelong process that we grow into.