The information you receive during a consultation will help you connect you with your own inner wisdom and live more fully as yourself.

Astrology is about much more than your sun sign. It can show you the themes of your life and the timing of when they unfold.

W.H. Auden said we are lived by powers we pretend to understand. Astrology can make you more conscious of these powers.

My Approach

Ancient Hellenistic natal astrology is at the foundation of my approach, which is to craft a meaningful narriative about the experiences you’ve been through and what is yet to come in your life.

I use whole sign houses and timing techniques such as annual profections, secondary progressions, and zodiacal releasing. I also blend in my knowledge of Jungian personality typology and the inspiration I draw from Jungians such as Liz Greene, James Hillman, and many others. I’m currently a student in the two year Jungian Studies Program for non-clinicians at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago.

I provide practical takeaways and explain things with minimal jargon. If you don’t have a background in astrology, you won’t be overwhelemed by the information.

My astrology background: I have worked as a tutor in the online forums for Adam Elenbaas’ Nightlight Astrology classes since June 2021. I completed all four of his yearlong courses and passed all three certification exams: I finished year two of the Astrology Certification Course: Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic in March 2021 and passed the year 2 certificate exam (click here to view my certificate). I passed the certification exam of the year one course in June 2020 (click here to view my certificate). In August 2023 I passed the certification exam for the yearlong Nightlight Astrology horary course (click here to view my certificate). I completed the Year 3 Readings and Passages course in November, 2022.


Astrology Natal Chart Consultation60 minutes, $124

A natal consultation consists of an overview of your natal chart and a forecast of the year ahead. I like to focus on the topics and/or questions of your choice. Relationships, work, money, and family are common topics. We can also discuss personality type and temperament if that interets you. If you are a returning client, or already very familiar with your natal chart, we can focus on the forecast or any topic(s) of your choice during the hour. The session is held over Google Meet and you can receive a recording of it.

Schedule an Astrology Consultation

Click the above button to schedule a natal chart consultation. It will prompt you to provide your birth data (time, date of birth, and place of birth) and ask you what you want to focus on during the consultations. Payment is made through PayPal during the checkout process.

If you can’t find a time that works for you on my schedule due to time zone differences or other scheduling conflicts, or need to set up a different method of payment other than PayPal, contact me using the below form at the bottom of this page and we can find a time that works. You can also email me directly at

Want to Go Deeper?

“What’s next?”

Clients often ask me that at the end of a consultation.

I recommend scheduling an annual check-in consultation, but that doesn’t always seem sufficient.

Therefore I am now offering a package of four 60 minute sessions, with each session scheduled approximately every three months.

This will help you get to know your chart better. We’ll discuss the current astrological season and how it relates to your chart.

We can also include personality typology, the I Ching, book discussion, and anything else that is on your mind.

This comes with unlimited email support during the year as questions or comments arise that you want to discuss in writing. I’ll respond within 24 hours to each email.

This is recommended for clients that have already had at least one consultation with me. If we haven’t met before and you still want to purchase four sessions, please contact me using the below form before scheduling.

The total cost for all four sessions is $444.

Click the button below to schedule your sessions. You can always reschedule a session if needed.

Schedule Going Deeper Sessions