How stagnation can ease our psychic indigestion

If there is one thing that Gemini has a hard time with it’s stagnation.

If you have Gemini rising, Moon, Sun, or other natal planets in Gemini, you know what that’s like.

Mercury is the planetary host of Gemini, and is at its the most swift and curious in Gemini, so it doesn’t like to stagnate.

But, Gemini or not, we all go through stagnant periods.

Per the image of Hexagram 12: Stagnation, which correlates to this period of Gemini,* heaven and earth are not united.

As above is NOT as it is below.

Workplaces, schools, relationships, religious groups, fitness routines, are some of the main places where we can feel stagnated.

There is likely at least one of these areas of life at any given time where we feel that there isn’t a larger cosmic purpose and the energy feels dense all the time.

As we enter the final stretch of Gemini season, it seems appropriate to ponder stagnation before moving on to Cancer. We kicked off Gemini with Contemplation and then have had Enthusiasm, Progress, and Gathering. As wonderful as those last three activities are, they might have our wheels spinning a bit, and needing a kind of forced return to contemplation via stagnation.

As James Hillman says in Healing Fiction, having more events than we can experience (a common Gemini thing) gives us” “indigestion,” so to speak. When we stand still and process our events through an “imaginative process” we can ease “mental turbulence.”

The New Moon in Gemini on June 17 should help alleviate any psychic indigestion. New Moons represent new beginnings in that area of life in your chart. This isn’t an eclipse, so it won’t be dramatic, but it offers a little bit of an energetic boost.

Working with your typology can also be helpful and narrow down the types of things to help you work with this New Moon. If you know your personalitly type, tapping into your inferior function offers an opportunity to see things from a fresh perspective. For example, for an ENFP type, introverted sensation (Si) is the inferior function. Taking a break from the dominant extraverted intuition (Ne) activities by cooking, organizing a closet, indulging in some aromatherapy, and other Si pursuits could you help break through stagnation.

By focusing on the Below, we can start to feel the Above again.

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*The 64 hexagrams of the I Ching are arranged along the ecliptic (the celestial equator) in Human Design. In astrology there are 12 zodiac signs along the ecliptic, so there are 5.3 hexagrams per zodiac sign. I’m contemplating these hexagrams as a way to engage with astrology, the I Ching, and Jungian psychology.


Healing Fiction by James Hillman

I Ching or Book of Changes translated by Richard Wilhelm

The I Ching Workbook by R.L. Wing