Mercury in Taurus in the Personality

A natal chart in astrology is about far more than one’s personality type, but looking at it can help give us insight about our type and show us more specifically how we are one-sided.

The location of Mercury in the chart is an important placement when considering personality. Mercury is the fastest planet in the solar system and goes into nooks and crannies that the other planets aren’t able to. The Mercury archetype is a messenger and correlates to that which helps us connect the dots and gives us those aha moments.

According to Jungian analyst and astrologer Liz Greene in Relating, Mercury “is a symbol of the way in which we not only perceive, but order our perceptions so that they can be comprehended and communicated.” He is primarily the symbol of the urge to understand, to integrate unconscious motive with conscious recognition.”

Greene also writes: “Mercury’s sign position at birth suggests the way in which the individual learns, how he perceives and categorises or digests what he learns…”

Currently Mercury is in Taurus, so my friend Joni McMillan and I made a video on our Typestrology channel about Mercury in Taurus in the personality. We use Bono, the singer in the band U2, as a celebrity example. Joni has Mercury in Taurus and talks about her personal experience with this placement. (We are newbies at making videos and have been shy about publicizing them, so bear with us as we continue to get better at this. Writing has always been my thing but I figure it’s time to try and get a feel for making videos. Feel free to subscribe to the channel if you’d like).

Taurus is a feminine, fixed, earth sign ruled by Venus. Mercury here is smooth, sturdy, productive, earthy, sensual, practical, and reliable. Because Taurus is a fixed sign, Mercury here tends to speak more slowly and deliberately. Taurus is methodical and measured and also stubborn, yet loyal and reliable. he Taurus symbol is the bull. The bull is slow to get started but once it does, it has great endurance. Taurus, because of its ruler Venus, has a focus on the arts, nature, the environment, food, tactile things, gardening, and/or singing. Mercurial activities are done in this context when someone has Mercury in Taurus in their chart.

For someone with Mercury in Taurus, I think it would be interesting to explore which of the four Beebe personality archetypes it matches up to: Hero, Parent, Child, and Anima/Animus. In Bono’s case, he is widely considered to have ENFJ tendencies. This makes introverted intuition (Ni) his parent function. It’s quite possible to see how Mercury in Taurus for him is used to “parent” others through his singing and philanthropic business activities (Mercury also represents business activities).

Do you have Mercury in Taurus? If so I’d love to hear what it has been like for you.


Relating: An Astrological Guide to Living with Others on a Small Planet by Liz Greene

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Astrology and Personality Types

As of this writing there are 56 posts on this blog focused on Jungian personality typology, with a heavy emphasis on John Beebe’s archetypal model. This is a topic I will continue to blog about.

Beginning next week I will start adding posts about astrology and personality types into the mix. This recent Instagram post of mine gives you an idea of what some of those posts will be like (please feel free to follow me on Instagram).

Part of what I want to explore is to see how the planet archetypes in one’s birth chart might match up with the archetypes in Beebe’s personality type model.

I recently completed the year two certification course in Advanced Hellenistic Astrology at Nightlight Astrology, so I feel inclined now to start writing a bit about astrology. In addition to giving readings for people, I want to use my astrological knowledge to enhance my Jungian studies. Insights from astrology can help us more specifically address and become more conscious of the one-sidedness that our personality types make us aware of. Jung used astrology with his clients, as Liz Greene writes about in Jung’s Studies on Astrology.

Speaking of Liz Greene I will draw heavily upon her writings in the astrology and personality posts. She is a Jungian analyst, astrologer, and an academic with a PhD. In time you will probably see her work referenced here as often as I have cited John Beebe’s.

As is always this case with my blog posts here, it is not about me having answers, but exploring and combining the ideas from Jung, Beebe, Greene, and others. I think we need their insights more than ever these days. Thanks for reading!

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The #1 Thing Sensation Types and Intuitive Types Have in Common

We suffer more in imagination than we do in reality, the Stoic philosopher Seneca said.

For all the talk out there about how sensation types and intuitive types differ, I think they both struggle equally with suffering in imagination.

By sensation types I am speaking broadly of the four types that have dominant sensation: ISFJ, ISTJ, ESTP, and ESFP. Intuition is their inferior (weakest) function, especially when the person is younger or overwhelmed by life circumstances at a given time.

People who have a tendency towards having a sensation type (most of us are not a pure type) can have difficulty seeing into the future and predicting the outcome of an action. They struggle to see beyond what is in front of them. Therefore their vision of what the outcome of a decision or situation might be can be inaccurate and trigger unnecessary anxiety.

The four dominant intuitive types are: INFJ, INTJ, ENTP and ENFP. Intuition is their dominant (strongest) function. More often than not, people who have a tendency towards having an intuitive type are correct in connecting the dots and gauging the outcome of a decision or situation. This can cause anxiety as well.

Both sensation and intuitive types need to develop practices to help them face situations with equanimity. Above all, sensation and intuitive types should rely on each other’s strengths in order to better face reality and minimize suffering in imagination.

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Are You a Centrovert?

I love the term “centroversion,” which I discovered when reading Steve Myers’ book:

Another associate of Jung, Erich Neumann, describes this new attitude as the personality embarking on a third direction, which is neither extraversion nor introversion but ‘centroversion.’ This is his own term for a new direction that is equivalent to individuation.

Myers-Briggs Typology vs Jungian Individuation: Overcoming One-Sidedness in Self and Society by Steve Myers p. 118

Our personality type makes us aware of how we are one-sided. In Jungian typology, the goal is to use our type as a stepping stone to individuation where we transcend our type and leave it behind. Myers says that “individuation begins only when we try to differentiate the inferior function.” When we give the inferior “full parity with the dominant” our consciousness collapses into the unconscious. We lose the certainties we used to have about life and confront the contents of our psyche. Marie-Louise von Franz describes it as follows:

When the fourth function comes up … the whole [conscious] structure collapses … This, then, produces a stage … where everything is neither thinking nor feeling nor sensation nor intuition. Something new comes up, namely, a completely different and new attitude towards life in which one uses all and none of the function all the time.

Lectures on Jung’s Typology by Marie-Louise von Franz and James Hillman p. 27-28

Ideally, the older we get, the more we should NOT fit the personality type of our younger years. We should become less one-sided. Myers conducted research for his PhD that involved gathering data on typological one-sidedness by country through an online self-report questionnaire. The results show that, both in the East and in the West, one-sideness actually increases with age. In my next post I’ll take a look at ways we can avoid becoming increasingly one-sided as we age.

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Your personality type is a verb, not a noun

An important way that Jungian typology differs from Myers-Briggs is that Jung believed that personality types aren’t static:

In Jungian individuation, type can change – for example, ‘the function-type is subject to all manner of changes in the course of life’ (Jung 1937b, p. 230) and type is nothing static. It changes’ (Jung 1959, p. 435).

Myers Briggs Typology vs. Jungian Individuation by Steve Myers

Jung also said that most people are “in-between types” and don’t fit neatly into a type category. This is probably why many people have a hard time figuring out their personality type:

Jung used a related analogy when describing the typological functions as ‘somewhat like the four points of the compass’ … There is an infinite number of locations in the world, but there are only a few landmarks. When we are orienteering, we do not usually describe our location as being permanently at a landmark, Rather, we describe where we are by reference to the closest landmarks … Similarly, our closest psychological type can change over time (Jung 1937, p. 230) as our individual personality changes. And the group of people who are in-between types are ‘the most numerous’ (Jung 1923, p. 516).

Myers Briggs Typology vs. Jungian Individuation by Steve Myers

The John Beebe 8 function archetypal model addresses these “in-between” types well with the use of shadow functions and his belief, also, that the functions aren’t static; our functions are like a cast of characters. Marie-Louise von Franz said that as we develop our functions sometimes we are a different type than our original for 10 years.

As I wrote about before, MBTI is about addressing the need for balance in consciousness, whereas for Jung type is for individuation and the emergence of a unique self that transcends type.

And speaking of balance, I’ll close with this quote from Jungian analyst James Hollis, one of my favorite authors:

I have no vested interest in our becoming saner, or mentally balanced, or even useful to society… We are not here to fit in, be well balanced, or provide exempla for others. We are here to be eccentric, different, perhaps strange, perhaps merely to add our small piece, our little clunky, chunky selves, to the great mosaic of being. As the gods intended, we are here to become more and more ourselves.

What Matters Most by James Hollis



Myers Briggs Typology vs. Jungian Individuation: Overcoming one-sidedness in self and society by Steve Myers

Personality Hacker podcast episode 0364

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Is your personality type a corpse?

Jung said that “if you identify with [a type] you identify with a corpse.”

That sounds harsh, but Jung believed readers missed the point of his book Psychological Types, which admittedly is a difficult book to read. His book was about the problem of one-sidedness and the conflict between the conscious and unconscious psyche. Readers instead focused on chapter 10 and used the book as a way primarily to categorize people.

As Steve Myers writes in Myers-Briggs Typology vs Jungian Individuation, Jung believed that being a type is a problem, not a virtue, because it “helps sustain the split between consciousness and the unconscious.” Type should be viewed as a stepping stone on the path to individuation, not a fixed identity:

One of the criticisms of Myers-Briggs typology is that it lacks a means of ‘changing how we see the world.’ Yet this change of attitude is the gravamen of Psychological Types. In Jung’s original vision, typology is the scaffolding of individual identity. It is not the individual building itself but it a necessary step in the construction process.


There is great value in the stepping stone of Myers-Briggs typology, but if we linger there too long the danger is that it becomes an obstacle to individuation.

Myers-Briggs Typology vs. Jungian Individuation by Steve Myers

Jung believed the dominant and inferior functions were two important poles between which development takes place. Uniqueness doesn’t come from developing one of the opposites, because that promotes one-sidedness. Jung used the analogy of a hammer, piece of iron, and anvil to describe the individuation process:

It is the old game of hammer and anvil: between them the patient iron is forged into an indestructible whole, an ‘individual.’ This, roughly, is what I mean by the individuation process.

Myers-Briggs Typology vs. Jungian Individuation by Steve Myers

In summary, Jung’s typology is meant to be used in a Jungian context as part of individuation. “It was an an integral part of the foundation of analytical psychology” as Myers says. It wasn’t meant as a stand alone system to be used in isolation, which is the way it is mostly used today.

Source: Myers-Briggs Typology vs. Individuation: Overcoming One-Sidedness in Self and Society by Steve Myers

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The Cast of Characters of Your Personality Type: The function stack order in Beebe’s archetypal 8 function model

John Beebe’s function stack of the personality type works like a cast of characters in a play, rather than in a rigid numerical order.

In most type systems the four functions are typically in a hierarchy, with your most dominant function being at the top, and your weakest inferior function at the bottom.

Beebe says that the 8 archetypes are subpersonalities found within all of us. The archetypes for the first four functions are: Hero, Parent, Eternal Child, Anima/Animus. The archetypes of the 4 shadow functions are: Opposing Personality, Senex/Witch, Trickster, and Demon.

For example, in considering your Parent function, it is viewed archetypally as how this is the manner in which you typically “parent” others. There may be times the shadow side of your parent function gets triggered. This movement and dynamic is always at play. So an extroverted feeling Parent function, for example, will at times have an Fi quality.

Also, because of environment, genetics, and your unique calling, the Parent archetype might not be as strong in you as it is in another person, whereas your Eternal Child archetype might be stronger. This is how his model moves beyond a “function stack.” It teaches us to think more archetypally rather than being hyper-focused on the function positions.

Here is how Beebe describes this:

As we move beyond the heroic first function, however, we should recognize that not all of the eight functions follow hero psychology in being measurable by their degree of strength. They do not, in actual experience, follow a descending hierarchy of differentiation from first (superior) through fourth (inferior) to eighth. Rather, the strength, and the kind of strength, a function of consciousness displays is a consequence of the archetypal role associated with it, and archetypes are differently developed in different people. The numbering of the positions is a bit of an anachronism, left over from the early days of Jungian psychology and of Isabel Briggs Myers’s adaptation of that psychology to the analysis of the MBTI findings. When I use numbering today, in these post-heroic times, the numbers are meant to be read as qualitative rather than quantitative…

Energies and Patterns in Psychological Type by John Beebe, p. 135. Emphasis mine

Another thing to keep in mind is that in Beebe’s model, the Hero and Anima/Animus functions form the spine of the personality and are used in forming our identity and our relationship to self. The middle two functions, Parent and Eternal Child, are the functions we use in our relations to others. This helps us process how we interact with self and others and make course corrections when needed.

For example, if your Hero function is extroverted intuition (Ne), and you notice that you’ve overwhelmed someone with a barrage of new ideas when they came to you with a problem, you can note that you slipped up in that moment and were using your Ne Hero function in a Parent way. As an ENTP it is introverted thinking (Ti) that is the healthy use of the Parent archetype. Another example is an INFJ type using Eternal Child introverted thinking when interacting with someone in a moment where Parent function was what was really needed from the person.

Marie-Louise von Franz said that when we develop our second and third function it is such a difficult task that sometimes “people actually become a different type, which was not their original type, for eight or ten years.” These Parent and Eternal Child archetypes are often in flux, which is important to keep in mind.

This cast of characters is always moving, sometimes in harmony and sometimes colliding with each other. Thinking in terms of these archetypes, rather than only on minutiae of cognitive functions, helps us improve our relationship with our self and with others.

It seems fitting to close with one of my favorite James Hillman quotes:

Her character must consist in several characters—“partial personalities,” as psychology calls these figures who stir your impulses and enter your dreams, figures who would dare what you would not, who push and pull you off the beaten track, whose truth breaks through after a carafe of wine in a strange town. Character is characters; our nature is a plural complexity, a multiphasic polysemous weave, a bundle, a tangle, a sleeve. That’s why we need a long old age: to ravel out the snarls and set things straight.

The Force of Character by James Hillman, location 793 of Kindle edition. Emphasis mine

Index to my other posts about the John Beebe archetypal 8 function personality type model

Sources used in this post:

Energies and Patterns in Psychological Type by John Beebe

Lectures on Jung’s Typology by Marie-Louise von Franz

The Force of Character by James Hillman (if you’ve never read a book by James Hillman this is a good one to start with)

Continue ReadingThe Cast of Characters of Your Personality Type: The function stack order in Beebe’s archetypal 8 function model

Personality types and the rising sign in astrology

To help you narrow in on what your personality type is, or to start getting more specifics about your personality type and how to work with it, your natal chart in astrology can help give this kind of insight.

John Beebe’s personality type model, which I’ve written several posts about, works especially well with astrology because his model is archetypal.

Your personality type shows you where you are one-sided. The chart gives context and points to the areas of life where that one-sided tendency occurs. It can also help you understand why, for example, your third function seems stronger to you than it does for others you know with that same personality type.

Astrology is nuanced and the archetypes are multi-valent, so it isn’t as simple as saying, “You have four planets in Taurus! You must be an ESFP!” The alchemy between personality types and astrology goes deeper than that.

When looking at a chart from the perspective of personality, the first thing to look at is the rising sign, which is the first of the 12 houses on the zodiacal wheel of your chart. The rising sign is what was rising in the east at the moment of your birth.

The rising sign, and the planet that rules it, is the one part of the chart that is personal and all about you. The other 11 houses are areas of life and much of what is there is outside you.

Ancient astrologers called the rising sign the “helm.” The ruler (or host) of rising was described as like a helmsman. They viewed life as like a journey across the sea and the helmsman helps steer the ship.

There are 12 zodiac signs and therefore 12 rising signs. There are 12 different versions of each rising sign when you take into account the location of the example, Virgo rising with helmsman Mercury in the 1st house. Virgo rising with Mercury in the 2nd house. And so on. So only 1 out of every 144 people would have the same rising sign combination as you.

As an astrologer one of the first things I look at is the rising sign and location of the helmsman. Right away that tells you some of the characteristics of the person and the area of life that is a focus for them.

I’ll have some examples in upcoming posts. Stay tuned.

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The Sacred Language of Personality Types

A way that personality typology can be unhelpful, and maybe even harmful, is the temptation to have an excessive focus on the externals of traits and behaviors.

In his book Compass of the Soul, John Giannini, who was a Jungian analyst, mentions the Celtic poet John O’Donohue, who wrote that “if we become addicted to the external, our interiority will haunt us…To be wholesome, we must remain truthful to our vulnerable complexity.”

Giannini reflects on O’Donohue’s insights by saying:

Since typology is so easily useful as a practical system, we can “become addicted to the external,” to a stereotypical language of traits. So most typologists treat the types as purely outer behaviors and cognitive traits. However, typology is also a sacred language that describes “our vulnerable complexity,” and encompasses a far-reaching theory with its multiplicities of human understanding and complex behaviors.

Compass of the Soul by John L. Giannini, p. 3

The sacred language of type, and acknowledgement of the vulnerable complexity of the psyche, tends to be glaringly absent from much of the online discussion about type, particularly the infotainment variety. The infotainment is fun, and I get a good laugh out of it sometimes. But type has something more to offer as well.

It’s reductionist to try to quickly fit a person into a type label. A typologist should interact with the person, ideally over a period of time. It’s a process and the language is sacred. A typologist should never forget the vulnerable complexity of the person before them.

Even when there is clarity between the two people that, say, ENTP is the best fit type, the ENTP-ness will be unique to that person and manifest a bit differently from others who have that same type.

Each type has imbalances between the dominant function and the inferior function. One way to address that imbalance in a way customized to that person is to use the sacred language of astrology and take a look at the person’s birth chart. I now have an offering on my Services page for a 30 minute consultation about your personality type using the language of your astrology chart.

I have been formally studying astrology the past two years and have a certification (all described on my Services page). In the weeks to come you’ll see more posts on this blog that combine type with astrology. The two can work together in meaningful ways.



Compass of the Soul by John L. Giannini

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Was Carl Jung’s personality type INFJ or INTJ?

According to John Beebe, Jung’s type was INTJ. Jung described himself as an introverted intuitive thinking type. One must keep in mind his model had 8 personality types, not the 16 types developed under MBTI.

Sometimes I wonder if Jung’s type was INFJ. There is no doubt his dominant function was introverted intuition; even just a passing familiarity with the Red Book confirms that. These are things about his life that make me wonder if he had parent (auxiliary) extroverted feeling or parent extroverted thinking.

He spent several years at the beginning of his career conducting word association games with patients. This is how he developed his theory of introversion and extroversion and also learned about complexes by the way people would unconsciously react to certain words.

Jung also spent years working with schizophrenic patients, which further confirmed his theory of the collective unconscious.

A childhood friend of his said that when Jung was a child he was terrible at math. Whereas he was good at dominating groups of 50-60 students by engaging in speculative thought, which was foreign to the other students.

The above and other facets of his life make me wonder if INFJ is a serious possibility. If you have an opinion I’d love to hear what you think. For now I’ll default to Beebe’s belief that Jung was INTJ and that Fe was his trickster function.


CG Jung Speaking

Energies and Patterns of Psychological Type

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