Joy as an absolute need

There is a party going on in Gemini right now and I’m here for it.

The New Moon in Gemini is today and it is happening near Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury. Five planets total in Gemini!

For those of you feeling a bit overwhelmed by this airy, social, analytical, and clever energy, it will dissipitate soon once Cancer throws some water on it after the festivities move there.

Jupiter remains in Gemini for another year, however, which, as a Gemini myself, I’m happy about.

Therefore I’ve decided that, for me, this will be the year of living more playfully. Play is one of Gemini’s attributes, because Mercury is its planetary host.

The late humor columnist Erma Bombeck was my biggest inspiration as a teenager and young adult.

She said that it is easier to make someone cry than it is to make them laugh.

She made me laugh a lot when I was in high school, which was much needed during that time period. I exchanged a few letters with her which remain among my prized possessions.

When I was a young mother I listened again and again to an old cassette tape from the library that had a Writer’s Digest interview with Erma. Thankfully it is available online. I bookmarked it and will listen to it again.

I even wrote dozens of humor columns for local newspapers myself, on a freelance/hobby basis. My passion for writing short copy has carried over into blogging.

Although that Scorpio Moon energy of mine isn’t going anywhere, you’ll continue to see a bit more of my Gemini dry wit in these posts, as one of my ways to live more playfully. Let’s face it, astrology and Jungian psychology need some humor once in a while!

Anyway, that (finally) brings us to Hexagram 35: Progress, line 6, which is our hexagram host for the New Moon.

You tap into your strongest motivation, throw your whole self into the effort and charge headlong for your goal. You may not have any very clear idea of how to direct your energy, but you hold fast to your objective and refuse to let it go. At least you will not miss any opportunity for lack of trying.

I Ching: Walking Your Path, Creating Your Future by Hilary Barrett

Saturn in Pisces, the grown-up in the room, is keeping an eye on the New Moon in Gemini, and Jupiter’s yearlong stay in Gemini, so that means support is available for directing your energy. Saturn draws out Gemini’s practical, logical, and resourceful potential. Dare I say it can even help us with the focus needed that can result in joy:

Once the ego opens itself, however, once that forgotten energy begins to flow through dancing, painting, singing, joy is not experienced as selfish or luxurious, but as an absolute need. …Then the danger is to want too much too soon. The important thing is to focus, not on the goal, but on the process. Be in the present. Let the unconscious play.

Addiction to Perfection by Marion Woodman


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