Contemplating the people

At first glance, contemplation doesn’t seem like a Gemini type of activity.

To contemplate is to pause and enter our own center. Through the calm and quiet state of contemplation we can bring our inner and outer lives into balance. We emerge better prepared to face life’s emotional ups and downs with equanimity.

I love how Henri Nouwen described contemplation: “It offers the freedom to stroll through your own inner yard and rake up the leaves and clear the path so you can easily find the way to your heart.”

By contrast, the bright, social, and analytical air sign of Gemini is speedy and curious about what lies ahead.

There’s more contemplative depth to Gemini than one might first realize, however.

For starters, Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Mercury was the only god who could move back and forth between earth and the underworld and is the psychopomp – the guide of souls in the underworld.

Also, Gemini occurs during the time of year where we reach the maximum amount of light in the year, which then hands off to Cancer where the light starts to decrease. Contemplation is especially important during the busy Gemini season where the increase of light in the spring prompts us to be busy and active in our outer lives. Contemplation will help us remember and prepare for the decrease in light right around the corner.

Why am I writing about contemplation on this first day of Gemini? Hexagram 20 of the I Ching, an ancient Chinese text that was a favorite of Jung’s, correlates to the first 5.3 days of Gemini season.* This hexagram is called Contemplation.

The image of Hexagram 20, per Richard Wilhelm’s translation of the I Ching (he was good friends with Jung) is:

The wind blows over the earth:

The image of contemplation.

Thus the kings of old visited the regions of the world,

Contemplated the people,

And gave them instruction

Let’s stay with that image of “contemplating the people.”

Listening is one of the best ways to contemplate the people and of my favorite descriptions of listening comes from James Hillman: “Inquisitive curiosity into the lives of others extends our lives. This is not sharing; it is artful listening.. The other person is a fount of lifeblood, which transfuses vitality into your soul if you can provoke the other with your listening.”

Astrology, typology, and artful listening are just a few ways to contemplate the people. Speaking of astrology, it’s worth noting that contemplation is a lunar activity.  Looking at where the natal Moon is in your chart can show the manner in which you like to contemplate.

A practical application of this hexagram per R.L. Wing in The I Ching Workbook: “Take this time of contemplating to move freely through society. Experience new ideas fully, then offer your advice.”

This sounds like an activity perfectly suited to Gemini, doesn’t it?


*The 64 hexagrams of the I Ching are arranged along the ecliptic (the celestial equator) in Human Design. In astrology there are 12 zodiac signs along the ecliptic, so there are 5.3 hexagrams per zodiac sign. I’m contemplating these hexagrams as a way to engage with astrology, the I Ching, and Jungian psychology.


The Force of Character by James Hillman

You are the Beloved: 365 Daily Readings and Meditations for Spiritual Living by Henri J.M. Nouwen

I Ching or Book of Changes translated by Richard Wilhelm

The I Ching Workbook by R.L. Wing