A moment to be still and turn inward

Isn’t it nice to have cosmic permission to pause during this busy zodiacal spring and return to one’s center?

After that Aries eclipse and Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, whew, I’m ready for some rest!

Hexagram 24: Return (The Turning Point) from the I Ching describes how our journey has turning points along the way:

By walking constantly to and from your source, you participate in a two-way flow of creation. You go out and rediscover your own way; you return through an open door to your home and relationships. This is a living motion, like breathing, that revitalizes and restores. Relaxed and spacious, it allows time for the path’s natural meanderings, never creating resistance.

I Ching: Walking Your Path, Creating Your Future by Hilary Barrett

I also like its description of how ancient kings cared for their people “as the earth covers a dormant seed. They contained people’s impulse to rush out and resume business as usual, so that the energy for growth would not be squandered…”

This ties in very well with Taurus season. Taurus is a feminine earth associated with stability and determination.

Taurus provides a turning point for setting practical goals and recommitting to them. Like steady Taurus, Hexagram 24 suggests a return to what is essential and reliable, emphasizing patience and persistence in achieving long-term objectives:

“This is the turning point on your path, a moment to be still and turn inward to listen for little glimmerings and inklings of awareness, to nurture the seeds of a personal sense of direction.”

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