It’s refreshing to take a break from modern forms of personality types for a bit, with their pesky cognitive functions and whatnot, and look at things from the perspective of ancient philosophies. With Pooh thrown in for good measure, of course, so we don’t take things too seriously.
Plato in the fourth century BCE came up with the four elements theory. Around 300 BCE the Stoics embraced this theory. First century philosopher Seneca described Stoic temperament theory as follows:
“There are four elements – fire, water, air, and earth – with matching properties – hot, cold, dry, and moist. […] The same distinctions are valid for animals and humans: it makes a difference how much moisture and heat each individual has within him; the element that predominates in him will determine his characteristic behaviors.”
He said that fiery people are prone to anger, whereas wet, dry, or cold temperaments can be panicky and contrarian.
I also added Hippocrates’ terms of melancholic, phlegmatic, sanguine, and choleric to the infographic.
But let’s get to Pooh. Which Pooh character best represents your personality? By the way, Pooh is in the middle because he represents all four types. Pooh is fully actualized!