How blending two planets can help describe your personality. Mine is Jupiter Moon. What’s yours?

Most people know their sun sign. Many even know their rising sign and moon. But can you quick name your rising sign’s planetary ruler? And then the sign that planet is in in your chart?

As homework for Adam Elenbaas’ Nightlight Astrology class last week, he asked us to do this and think about how those two planets blend together and influence your personality.

My rising sign is Sagittarius. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. In my birth chart, Jupiter is in the 8th house of Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the Moon.

Jupiter Moon is my combo. But what does that mean? I put together this graphic of the archetypes of each planet and a distillation of Richard Tarnas’ description of each planet from his wonderful book Cosmos and Psyche:

In terms of archetypes, Jupiter Moon would be a combination of Caretaker Sage.

Of course I couldn’t resist bringing the I Ching into this. By far my favorite part of Human Design is how it assigns an I Ching hexagram to each of the planets in your chart, one for both your conscious and unconscious sides.

The Wilhelm I Ching translation describes the image for each hexagram, so I’ll post a photo for each image, and only a very brief description of the hexagram:

Jupiter (conscious), Hexagram 52: Keeping Still.

“Your inner stillness and quietness allows you to gain perspective over all life’s circumstances.”

Line 2: “When attracted by outside influences it is important to remain true to your own way.”

The image per Wilhelm is of “mountains standing close together” to represent “keeping still.”

Jupiter (unconscious), Hexagram 45: Gathering Together

“Firm alignment with that which supports everyone best brings together a strong community.”

Line 5: “Being Virtuous: the virtues that attract the confidence of others. Assuming a grandiose approach to leading others, you must be practical to be effective.”

The image for “gathering together” is a lake. “If the lake gathers until it rises above the earth, there is danger of a break-through. Precautions must be taken to prevent this. […] Thus in the time of gathering together we must arm promptly to ward off the unexpected.”

Moon (conscious), Hexagram 44: Meeting Together

“In any meeting of likes or opposites, acceptance and mutual tolerance is essential.”

Line 5: “Integrating: upholding a presence that is exemplary. You align with the laws of nature and high integrity, or take advantage if you can.”

The image is of wind under the heaven, to symbolize “the influence exercised by the ruler through his commands.”

Moon (unconscious) Hexagram 53: Development (gradual progress)

“Gradual advance takes place as an organic process that brings increasing self-knowledge and experience.”

Line 3: “Scrutinizing: watching your step when engaging in all new endeavors. Finding growth potential in all situations, you draw for your inner strength.”

The image is of a tree on the mountain. “The tree on the mountain is visible from afar, and its development influences the landscape of the entire region. It does not shoot up like a swamp plant; its growth proceeds gradually. Thus also the work of influencing people can be only gradual. No sudden influence or awakening is of lasting effect.”

I’d love to hear what your two planet combo is if you care to share.



The I Ching by Richard Wilhelm (translator)

Adam Elenbaas’ Nightlight Astrology class.

Free Human Design for us All app. There are also free chart generators online if you want to look up what the hexagrams (called gates in Human Design) are for the planets in your chart.

Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas

Ancient Astrology by Demetra George