The role of animals in your personality type part 2: an inner animal totem (or, Tarot and Turtles in the Heartland

Animal energies are an important element of our personality, as the Objective Personality system acknowledges.

An “animal stack” for a personality type is great, But how about we also add to the mix an inner animal totem for each person that is unique to them? The more archetypes … and the more personal they are … the better.

Due to some synchronicity, I discovered Stargazers metaphysical store in Door County, Wisconsin during a getaway this past weekend. I knew immediately I wanted to get a deck of tarot cards.

The Animal Totem Tarot book and deck by Leeza Robertson practically jumped out at me. I was also eyeing another deck, but my daughter said that of course I had to get the animal one, because I’m into birds.

The book has illustrations and a three page description of each card, with pointers on how to apply the animal archetype into your career, relationships, and health.

That evening I did the Inner Animal Totem spread, whereby you place the 22 major arcana cards face down and, through a certain process, choose eight cards for your totem.

Here are my eight cards from bottom to top:

Card 1 – The Earth from which You Grow

This card represents the fertile ground, where everything you create is rooted and grows from.

My animal for this is Honey Pot Ant (XII Hanged Man card)

Honey Pot Ants are force-fed food and go to the top of the nest and “spend the rest of their lives hanging up side down, regurgitating nectar for the rest of the colony. Talk about a life of sacrifice, service, and surrender.” To top it off, they aren’t supposed to complain.

Sounds awfully confining and exhausting. Ah, too bad I didn’t get the Great Grey Owl card for this.

Card 2 – The Roots

This card represents the root system, which brings the much-needed nutrients to the rest of your totem pole, so you can grow and expand.

My animal for this is Lemur (XIX The Sun card)

The lemur isn’t nocturnal and would die without the sun’s energy. The card “has the ability to heal the cards around it. […] He heals because he knows how to and … just intuitively does what he needs to to do to be complete and whole. No fuss, no worries, and no drama.”

The no fuss and no drama part I have down pat anyway.

Card 3 – Create, Regenerate, and Give Birth

This card draws life energy from the roots and brings it into physical form.

My animal for this is Bobcat (XV Devil card)

It is in the Devil that one tends to be who they truly are and not who others wish they would be.”

But there’s a catch, of course: “In the presence of the devil you are one hundred percent responsible and accountable for your thoughts, feelings, and actions.”

Card 4 – Action, Inspiration, and Reaction

This is where you find the energy of your inner child. “This is the energy you bring outward into the world around you.

My animal for this is Mantis (IX Hermit card)

“Surrender to the darkness, relax into it, and allow what you need to find you. Then follow Mantis as he brings you out of the darkness and delivers you back to the light.”

How oxymoronic that my action card is a hermit. This is shaping up to be an introverted totem. Lemurs don’t do darkness, so I’d better keep lemur away from mantis. Where’s that great grey owl?

Card 5 – The Heart of the Mediator

This card represents the mediator energy within your totem pole. “It brings the energies from both above and below and merges them into one.”

My animal for this is Swans (VI The Lovers).

Birdies! Not a great grey owl, but I’ll take it.

The element of “inner beauty and inner wholeness is crucial to the power of the Lovers card. […] Learn how to stand in your own power while reveling in the power of those around you.

Card 6 – Communication

This card shows you how you listen and communicate with the world around you.

My animal for this is Gorilla (IV Emperor card)

“It is his responsibility to make sure his band is kept healthy and strong. But this is only one of the Emperor’s daily concerns. … Being on top of the mountain, so to speak, isn’t as easy as it looks. [,..] The key to leadership is showing strength in all its forms.”

So much work. At least he looks like a badass. Where’s that Great Grey Owl card?

Card 7 – The Eyes Have It (Vision)

It is here that the bigger picture comes into focus. It is about seeing the map, journey, and destination all at once.

My animal for this is Ox (VIII Strength card)

“Look at the path the ox must walk with his load. […] It takes time to build muscles, will, and resolve. […] your strength will come one step at a time.”

I’m tired just reading about these last two cards.

Great grey owl, where are you? This would have been the perfect place for the owl to appear, because owls have a cool way of using their ears to see. Oh well. At least it wasn’t the dung beetle!

Card 8 – Top of the Totem Pole: Awareness

This animal works hand in hand with the animal at the bottom of your totem pole. The card at the top “shows you how to control your mind and how to bring it to a state of awareness, so that you can send your requests out to the universe and then get out of the way.”

My animal for this is Flamingo (XIV Temperance).

A birdie!

In regards to the flamingo’s pink feathers: “The skin is an amazing organ and just like Temperance, it is a master at mixing disparate elements so that it can find balance and harmony.”

But wait, there’s more!

That would normally be where the totem ends, but synchronicity struck while I was out and about in the hot weather taking these silly photos,

I heard a loud splash in the lagoon. It took a while to figure out what it was, but eventually I noticed a large turtle. I was a little spooked by it, as I’ve never seen one in the lagoon before. And I worried, because it looked as if it may have been struggling.

I decided to check the Animal Totem book when I got home to see if there is a turtle entry. There is:

You already have all that you need, right where you are. So take it easy, slow down, and just this once allow yourself to stop and smell the roses. It is okay to relax for a moment, because where you are is safe and protected. Here in this garden no one needs or wants anything from you. Relax, take a deep breath, and count your blessings. – Message from the Tortoise”

Well then. This turtle just made its way onto my animal totem. Who needs a great grey owl anyway.