Tapping into my inferior ESTP mode

As an INFJ, I feel like when I am in my inferior ESTP mode, I tap into a certain rawness and bluntness that cuts to the core of experiencing life. It stems from my love of rock music, being a huge sports (and especially basketball) fan. It also makes me gravitate heavily towards people who have this raw, no bullshit way of communicating.

I am very attracted to raw and vivid TRUTH. Simply viewing reality as it is without any distortion or manipulation. Just living in a hardcore, essential kind of way.

I’m very attracted to people that embody these hyper-REAL qualities to them, and I love the opportunity to (on occasion) express that rawness.

This is a huge reason why (on a Socionics level) I can totally buy into the idea of connecting with an ESTP dual. All the qualities that I just mentioned (in a human being that expresses these qualities) certainly can be something that I can viscerally relate to in a really genuine, hardcore way.