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Some of the best mentoring I’ve ever received has come from the books I read – one might call this bibliotherapy. Many of those books are by Jungian/Depth psychology authors such as James Hollis, James Hillman, Marion Woodman, Liz Greene, Barbara Hannah and C.G. Jung himself.
I send one email each month about the best Jungian books I read the previous month and occasionally a book I haven’t read as recently. The topics in the books often include dream work, personality typology, astrology, active imagination, and much more.
You are welcome to reply to my email with your own book recommendations, insights, and/or questions. It is like a book club via email.
On Instagram I post quotes from the books I read and provide little or no commentary, because I want it to be a lectio divina type experience where you comtemplate on the passage . But in this Reading in Depth newsletter I share my take on the books I read the previous month, from one reader to another. I’m not an academic, not a therapist, just one of the “ordinary people” that Jung said love to read his books. I guess I’ve never stopped being an English major. I’m currently in the Jungian Studies Program for non-clinicians at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago.
The first email you receive will have a list of some of my favorite Jungian books, to tide you over until the next monthly issue arrives. If you already receive my blog posts by email, this is a separate email list, as I don’t post these on my blog. Come along if you’d like:
Looking forward to interacting with you in this way!
Kind Regards,
–Anita Ashland
NOTE: This site directs people to Amazon and is an Amazon Associate member. But if you decide to buy any of the books I recommend, please feel free to purchase them at the website or independent bookstore of your choice.